

学校 佐世保工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 3S2540 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 電子制御工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 前期:2 後期:2
教科書/教材 Stretch 3 textbook ,Supplementary worksheets on vocabularies and global isuesプリント教材
担当教員 梯 アーニー


1. Students can express themselves in simulated daily conversation. 2. Students can realize the relationship between contexts and languages. 3. Students can function well in each conversational situation paying attention to its context. 4. Students can acquire vocabulary and enhance their speaking skills by engaging activities in listening, reading , writing , discussing. 5. Students can develop presenting skills to instill confidence in public speaking and success in academic and professional life.





Objective : At the end of the school year, the students will be able to :
1. think fast and speak English naturally with native pronunciation.
2. express their point of view with confidence through engaging different activities in listening, speaking, reading , writing, and presenting.
3. make a presentation related to culture, science and technology to instill confidence in public speaking.
4. learn and use some expressions to enhance their speaking skills.
5. learn colloquial spoken English and make their own original conversation.
予備知識: 1. Warm-up and group activity 2. Daily Conversation and Expressions
3. Textbook discussion : vocabulary drill, speaking, listening, and, writing. Presenting skills to instill confidence in public speaking. Reading about contemporary global issues to learn and develop cross-cultural awareness . 4. Group presentation .
講義室:LL教室   授業形式:講義と演習   学生が用意するもの」テキスト・配布プリント
評価方法:(アーニー):60% midterm and final exam, 20% In-class activities, 20% quizzes and homework
自己学習の指針: Using textbooks, students are expected to engage in review and preview for each class..


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course introduction and Self- introduction Students can understand the requirements to be accomplished to pass the course and can introduce themselves and their goals in taking this course.
2週 Unit 1: Life experiences
Students can ask follow-up questions to get more information and to show interest.
3週 Unit 1: Life experiences Students can discuss what they want to try for a new life experience in a group.
4週 Unit 2: Events Students can learn and use expressions showing interests to continue a conversation.
5週 Unit 2: Events Students can make timeline to organize ideas.
6週 Unit 3: Opinions Students can listen for opinions and use expressions to offer encouragement.
7週 Unit 3:Opinions Students can identify and evaluate people's opinion.
8週 Mid-term examination Students can show their proficiency and mastery on what they have learned and trained.
9週 Unit 4: Customs Students can discuss the Do's and Don'ts
of the customs of different countries.
10週 Unit 4: Customs Students can make presentation about cross-cultural customs.
11週 Unit 5: Professions and skills Students can learn how to persuade the audience about the job they would be good at.
12週 Unit 5: Professions and skills Students can use graphic organizers to understand a topic.
13週 Unit 6: Recent activities Students can identify clues to make inferences.
14週 Unit 6: Recent activities Students can give a balanced view in making a presentation.
15週 Final Examination Students can show their proficiency and mastery on what they have learned and trained.
1週 Scientific Experiment Students can make a group, understand the presentation procedures and write the script for the explanation of the scientific experiment presentation.
2週 Scientific Experiment Students can make a scientific experiment video presentation.
3週 Unit 7: Leisure time Students can add relevant information to continue a conversation.
4週 Unit 7:Leisure time Students can introduce a topic with images.
5週 Unit 8: Appearance Students can use phrases for agreement when talking about appearances in a conversation.
6週 Unit 9: Habits Students can ask open questions to get more information.
7週 Unit 9: Habits Students can use rhetorical questions in making a presentation about habits.
8週 Midterm examination Students can show their proficiency and mastery on what they have learned and trained.
9週 Unit 10: Stories Students can identify points of view and use reported speech.
10週 Unit 10: Stories Students can summarize and write a book review.
11週 Unit 11: In the news Students can use phrases to explain the cause and effect of reasoning.
12週 Unit 11: In the news Students can use anchor image in news reporting.
13週 Unit 12: Travel stories Students can learn key words in traveling and relate them to their own travel stories or experiences.
14週 Unit 12: Travel stories Students can introduce and discuss popular travel or vacation destinations in a group.
15週 Final Examination Students can show their proficiency and mastery on what they have learned and trained.

