
学校 有明工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 英語
科目番号 0065 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 建築学科 対象学年 5
開設期 通年 週時間数 前期:1 後期:1
教科書/教材 Engineering English 3rd Edition
担当教員 グランバイン リチャード


1.Improve English accuracy 2.Improve reading efficiency 3.Improve sentence writing variety/complexity


評価項目1Can accurately parse both complex and compound sentencesCan accurately parse simple sentences Unable to parse even simple sentences
評価項目2Can identify phrases and parts of speech and understand their relations. Can identify phrases and parts of speechCan not identify phrases or parts of speech
評価項目3Can read and understand most complex and compound sentencesCan read and understand most simple sentencesstudent doesn’t understand even very slow speechCan not read or understand even simple sentences


学習・教育到達度目標 A-1 説明 閉じる
学習・教育到達度目標 A-3 説明 閉じる


Learn about English grammar through sentence diagramming

Most classes will begin with a question to focus student attention on an aspect of English grammar to be answered in class followed by a lecture on the grammar point and instruction on diagramming the point and then group work to practice diagramming.
Requires basic Jr. high school level English grammar and vocabulary (TOEIC 300+)
Tests will be given quarterly and count 25% each. Homework will be assigned from the text each week.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Basic Sentence Structure/lecture and group work Learn about parts of speech and basic simple sentence structure
2週 Predicates/lecture and group work Learn to identify predicates and their objects and compliments
3週 Prepositional Phrases/ lecture and group work Learn to identify prepositional phrases including their heads and objects.
4週 Adjectives/ lecture and group work Learn to identify adjectives and associated phrases
5週 Adverbs and Adjunct Adverbials/ lecture and group work Learn to identity adverbials and understand their relationship to the sentence
6週 Review Review material and check for understanding
7週 Test
8週 Return and explain test
9週 Verbs: Auxiliary and Lexical Verbs/ lecture and group work Learn to identify longer verb phrases and their parts
10週 Verb Tenses/ lecture and group work Learn to identify all the verb tenses
11週 Verb Voice/ lecture and group work Learn to identify verb voice and associated objects
12週 Yes/No Questions/ lecture and group work Learn verb fronting in yes/no questions
13週 Noun Details/ lecture and group work learn about count/non-count/singular/plural/proper nouns
14週 Review Review material and check for understanding
15週 期末試験
16週 テスト返却と解説
1週 Gerunds/ lecture and group work learn to identify gerunds and gerund phrases
2週 Infinitive Verbs/ lecture and group work learn to identity infinitives and infinitive phrases
3週 Possessives and Appositives/ lecture and group work learn to identify possessives and appositives
4週 Pronoun Details/ lecture and group work learn about pronoun details: demonstrative, relative, question, indefinite, personal
5週 Conjunctions and Subordination/ lecture and group work Learn about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
6週 Review Review material and check for understanding
7週 Test
8週 Return and explain test
9週 Adjective Clause/ lecture and group work learn to identify adjective clauses
10週 Noun Clause/ lecture and group work learn to identify noun clauses
11週 Wh Questions/ lecture and group work learn to identify Wh questions
12週 Other Adverbials/ lecture and group work learn about conjunctive and disjunctive adverbials
13週 Ambiguous Sentences/ lecture and group work learn to identify ambiguous sentences and diagram their different interpretations
14週 Review Review material and check for understanding
15週 期末試験
16週 テスト返却と解説



