

学校 佐世保工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 コミュニケーション
科目番号 0110 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 物質工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 後期 週時間数 後期:2
教科書/教材 Present Yourself 1 (Second edition), Cambridge University Press
担当教員 ジェイ ストッカー


1. Students can make an appropriate plan for their presentations. (C-3)
2. Students can gather appropriate data for their presentation. (C-3)
3. Students can come up with appropriate visual aids for their presentations. (C-3)
4. Students can make their points clear about their presentation. (C-3)
5. Students can appropriately answer questions about their presentation. (C-3)




JABEE a 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


This communication class will help students to improve English through a variety of conversational tasks. Grammatical structure will be given with its meaning by linking them with appropriate social language and context. Because students are required to preview and review each class on their own, handouts for each class are presented in advance.
予備知識: Students are expected to know how to start daily conversation and to carry out easy verbal interaction without much trouble.  講義室:LL教室   授業形式:講義と演習   学生が用意するもの」テキスト・配布プリント
評価方法: Presentation = 60%, homework and in-class activities = 40%   自己学習の指針: Students are advised, on their own, to prepare for each lesson beforehand using the textbook and review the lesson after class. Students are given assignments based on what they do in class, and they need to work on those assignments for the next class. Students are expected to study on their own as many hours as classes. オフィスアワー:授業の前後、または個別に指定された時間(英語科森下へ連絡) *授業計画の中間試験実施週は、予定より早まる場合があります。その際は、授業の中で連絡をします。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Introduction Students will give small group presentations introducing themselves.
2週 Unit 1: A Good Friend Students will learn about the parts of a good introduction and conclusion and how to make effective note cards.
3週 Unit 1: Students will plan and give a presentation about a good friend.
4週 Unit 2: A Favorite Place Students will learn how to use eye contact and body language for descriptions.
5週 The 1st test Studnets will give a presentation in front of the class.
6週 Unit 2: Students will plan and give a presentation about a fovorite place.
7週 Unit 3: A Prized Possession Students will plan and give a presentation about a prized possession.
8週 The 2nd test Students will give a presentation in front of the class.
9週 Unit 4: A Memorable Exxperience Stdeutns will learn how to use voice inflection.
10週 Unit 4: Students will plan and give a presentation about a memorable experience.
11週 Unit 5: I'll Show You How Students will plan and give a demonstration how to do or make something.
12週 The 3rd test Students will give a presentation in front of the class.
13週 Unit 6: Screen Magic Students will plan and give a review about a movie or TV show they have seen.
14週 Preview UNits 1-6 Students will review the presentation skills they have acquired in this course.
15週 The final test Students will give a presentation in front of the class.

