English Business Communication


学校 沖縄工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 English Business Communication
科目番号 6031 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 生物資源工学コース 対象学年 専2
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Supplemental Materials will be provided by the teacher. Students should prepare documents related to their research area..PC and dictionary are necessary for doing tasks in every lecture.
担当教員 カーマンマコア クイオカラニ


The purpose of this class is to develop the students’communication skills in relation to various themes in business. The class will focus on listening and speaking activities but will also include reading and writing to achieve this purpose. ビジネスにおけるさまざまなテーマに関連して、相手と英語で コミュニケーションを図ろうとする態度を身に付け、自分や身近なことについて、ある程度の的確さ、流暢さ、即応性をもって理解したり伝えたりする初歩的な英語運用能力を養う。【III-B】


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Students should be able to express themselves orally and through written medium in English.Showing almost perfect understanding of the contents and vocabulary via frequent particiaption.Showing good understanding of the contents and vocabulary via frequent participation.Showing little understanding of the contents and vocabulary via moderate participation despite occasional disruptions.
Students can understand the contents through the medium of English.Displaying fluent and accurate use of English with good grammar and vocabulary and scoring more than 90% in the exams and presentation.Displaying fluent and accurate use of English with a few errors and scoring more than 70% in the exams and presentation. Displaying inaccurate use of English with errors and scoring less than 60% in the exams and presentation.



・ The course is conducted in English. Students are expected to use (especially speak) English during lectures.
・ The course is conducted based on content-based/ task-based learning. Through thinking and doing many tasks, students are expected to improve upon their English.
・ The course encourages rich interactions among an instructor and students to improve oral communication skills in English.
This course is highly dependent on speakng and listening in English. As the classes are student-centered, participatiion is mandatory. The oral interview tests will be based on content covered throughout the course. In addition, you will be creating resumes, cover letters, and outlines of your research in English.
Supplemental Materials will be provided by the teacher. Students should prepare documents related to their research area.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction; Performance Introduction to the class (purpose, evaluations, etc.); Happiness at work; PBL
2週 Performance Motivation; PBL (Resume Outline)
3週 Performance Incentives; PBL (Resume)
4週 Performance Work and Leisure; PBL (Resume)
5週 Business Across Cultures Understanding corporate cultre; Body language; Communication styles; PBL (Cover Letter)
6週 Innovation Entrepreneurs; PBL (Research Outline)
7週 Innovation Creativity: PBL (Research Outline)
8週 Oral Interview Test Oral Test (based on questions covered in class related to business topics), PBL
9週 Innovation Start-ups; PBL (Research Outline)
10週 Innovation Inventions; PBL (Research Abstract)
11週 Promotion Selling yourself; PBL (Cover Letter)
12週 Business Across Cultures Understanding corporate cultre; Body language; Communication styles; PBL (Cover Letter)
13週 Investment The industry of industries; PBL (Cover Letter)
14週 Investment Something for Nothing; PBL (Cover Letter)
15週 Oral Interview Test Oral Test (based on questions covered in class related to business topics), PBL


基礎的理解 250530