Engineering EnglishⅠ


学校 函館工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 Engineering EnglishⅠ
科目番号 0099 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 物質環境工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Free online materials
担当教員 デイヴィッド タケ


1. Being able to understand multimedia authentic materials
2. Being able to identify international elements of culture
3. Being able to write and edit short reports about authentic materials


評価項目1Being able to understand multimedia authentic materialsBeing able to somewhat understand multimedia authentic materialsNot being able to understand multimedia authentic materials
評価項目2Being able to identify international elements of cultureBeing able to identify some international elements of cultureNot being able to identify international elements of culture
評価項目3Being able to write and edit proper short reports about authentic materialsBeing able to write and edit adequate short reports about authentic materialsNot being able to write and edit short reports about authentic materials


函館高専教育目標 D 説明 閉じる
函館高専教育目標 E 説明 閉じる


This course will be divided into two parts. Firts, we will focus on two main ressources which are accesible online: podcasts and tv dramas. The teacher will give a list of appropriate online ressources to choose from. Students will use the classes to listen/watch to the episode they chose and start to write a short report according to specific guidelines. Each episode will be divided into three classes: 1. watch/listen 2. write/edit 3. present/correct.
We will do various activities, focusing on speaking and communication: debates, board games, etc...
At the end of the semester, the students will have an interview with the teacher, in English during which they will explain and reflect on how they can improve their English skills in the future using what they learned in class.
1. Even if you feel shy, please try and speak as much as possible.
2. You must always bring the textbook and an electronic or paper dictionary.
3. Feel free to come to my office to practice English conversation about anything you would
5. If students study well in class, there will be very little homework.
JABEE教育到達目標評価: 定期試験100%(D-1: 50%,E-4: 50%)


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Debate: introduction, tips, and topic brainstorm To be able to understand the way to prepare and conduct an efficient debate, using arguments with or without data.
2週 Debate 1: preparation To be able to prepare for the debate, gathering arguments and data, while making a counter strategy.
3週 Debate 1 To be able to conduct the debate and react to the argument of the opposing team.
4週 Debate 2: preparation To be able to prepare for the debate, gathering arguments and data, while making a counter strategy. processes.
To identify the large groups of plants and trees.
To understand the process of photosynthesis, and its role in the Earth ecosystems.
5週 Debate 2 To be able to conduct the debate and react to the argument of the opposing team
6週 Board game day To be able to play various board games using English only.
7週 Debate 3: preparation To be able to prepare for the debate, gathering arguments and data, while making a counter strategy.
8週 Debate 3 To be able to conduct the debate and react to the argument of the opposing team
9週 Free-style debate To be able to prepare and conduct a debate, on the spot, using techniques learned so far.
10週 News 1 To be able to read, understand and analyze a piece of news anout an English-speaking country
11週 News 2
To be able to read, understand and analyze a piece of news anout an English-speaking country
12週 News 3
To be able to read, understand and analyze a piece of news anout an English-speaking country
13週 News 4
To be able to read, understand and analyze a piece of news anout an English-speaking country
14週 Final Test preparation To get ready for the final test by reviewing the year-long class
15週 Evaluation To be able to perform a 1 on 1 evaluation of the work done so far, based on the best report.
16週 Summary of the lesson and advice To be able to understand the progress students made, and how to keep on improving



