

学校 長岡工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 英語ⅢB
科目番号 0052 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 電気電子システム工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Building TOEIC Skills(Seed Learning)、TOEIC L&Rテストやたらと出る英単語クイックマスター+(アルク)、英語elearning教材 [Really English キックオフコース]
担当教員 大湊 佳宏


(科目コード:M 10316、EE 20316、EC 30316、Mb 40316、Ci 50316、英語名:English III)
①Students will be able to listen to description of facts, daily conversation, and announcement in English and understand the contents.30%(b3)
②Students will be able to analyze the grammar used in TOEIC test. 20%(b3)
③Students will be able to comprehend the contents of the readings in TOEIC test. 20%(b3)
④Students will be able to recognize the vocabularies for TOEIC test. 30% (b3)


評価項目1Students are able to listen to description of facts, daily conversation, and announcement in English and understand the contents well. Students are able to listen to description of facts, daily conversation, and announcement in English and understand the contents. Students are able to listen to description of facts, daily conversation, and announcement in English and partially understand the contents. Students are not able to listen to description of facts, daily conversation, and announcement in English and understand the contents at all.
評価項目2Students are able to analyze the grammar used in the TOEIC test sufficiently.Students are able to analyze the grammar used in the TOEIC test.Students are partially able to analyze the grammar used in the TOEIC test.Students are not in the level that is sated in the left.
評価項目3Students are able to comprehend the contents of the readings in TOEIC test sufficiently.Students are able to comprehend the contents of the readings in TOEIC test.Students are partially able to comprehend the contents of the readings in TOEIC test.Students are not in the level that is sated in the left.
評価項目4Students are able to recognize enough vocabularies for TOEIC test.Students are able to recognize vocabularies for TOEIC test.Students are able to recognize some of the vocabularies for TOEIC test.Students are not in the level that is sated in the left.



This course is a introductory course for learning English and some of the skill for TOEIC test. In order to improve students listening ability, this course is mostly taught in English. English
○関連する科目: 英語IIB(前年度履修),英語演習(次年度履修)
Since your textbook is written only in English, you have to spend more time on preparation. Needless to say, you need to use your English-Japanese / English-English dictionary to understand the unknown words you encounter. You also need to bring your dictionary to the class. We will have a vocabulary quiz in every class. English e-learning software will be introduced to enhance your English skills as well.
In order to improve your English proficiency, it is not enough to take a once-a-week English class. Therefore, it is strongly NOT recommended to skip a class even once. If you are in a special condition to be absent, you need to submit your absence sheet to the Student Affair office right away and talk to your teacher so that you can catch up with the slipped learning materials.
Bring you dictionary (English-Japanese or English-English)  本科目は本来、面接授業として実施を予定していたものであるが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大による緊急事態において、必要に応じ遠隔授業として実施するものである。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 TEST: TOEIC Simulation Test1
Video: Introduction
2週 Video: Part 1 Video Opening
Part 1 Describing people doing things1
Part 1 Describing people doing things 2
3週 Part 1 Describing inanimate objects
Part 1 Describing where and how things are located
Video: Part 2 Video Closing
4週 Video: Part 2 Video Opening
Part 2 WH questions
Part 2 Yes/No questions
5週 Part 2 Statement
Part 2 Tag questions
6週 Part 2 Proposals and requests
Part 2 Selective questions
Video: Part 2 Video Closing
7週 Video: Part 5 Video Opening
Part 5: Pronouns
8週 Part 5 Verb forms 1
Part 5 Verb forms 2
9週 Part 5 Parts of Speech 1
Part 5 Parts of Speech 2
10週 Part 5 Conjunctions and Prepositions 1
Part 5 Conjunctions and Prepositions 2
11週 Part 5 Number and quantity
Part 5 Comparison
12週 Part 5 Vocabulary 1
Part 5 Vocabulary 2
13週 Part 5 Relative Pronouns
Video: Part 5 Video 2 Closing
14週 TEST: TOEIC Simulation Test 2 e-learning
15週 Review e-learning
1週 Really English Simulation Test 3 Check their understanding the summer vacation assignment
2週 Unit9 Health Care Vocab. Quiz1 Unit6 First Half
Listening: Making Inferences
Grammar: Simple Past
3週 Unit9 Health Care Vocab. Quiz1 Unit6 Second Half
Reading: Antonyms
4週 Unit10 The World of Work Vocab. Quiz1 Unit7 First Half
Listening: Adverbs
Grammar: Simple Present and Present Progressive
5週 Unit10 The World of Work Vocab. Quiz1 Unit7 Second Half
Reading: Homonyms
6週 Unit11 Housing Vocab. Quiz1 Unit8 First Half
Listening: Minimal Pairs
Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs
7週 Mid-term Exam(no test during this week)
8週 Really English Simulation Test 4 Vocab. Quiz1 Unit8 Second Half
9週 Unit11 Housing Vocab. Quiz1 Unit9 First Half
Check your progress on TOEIC
Reading: Questions with NOT
10週 Unit12 Entertainment Vocab. Quiz1 Unit9 Second Half
Listening: Words with Similar Meaning
Grammar: Comparatives
11週 Unit12 Entertainment Vocab. Quiz1 Unit10 First Half
Reading: Wrong Word Forms
12週 Unit13 Buildings Vocab. Quiz1 Unit10 Second Half
Listening: Sequences
Grammar: Zero and First Conditional
13週 Unit13 Buildings Reading: Cause and Effect
14週 Unit14 Eating Out Listening: Sequence
Grammar: Present Perfect
15週 Unit14 Eating out Reading: Paraphrasing
16週 Final Exam (Second Semester) TOEIC-IP on 1/15 is the final exam for the students




TEST1(前期)TEST2(前期)提出物(前期)Final (TOEIC-IP)Quiz(後期)Attitude(後期)合計