

学校 鈴鹿工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 技術英語Ⅱ
科目番号 0016 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 総合イノベーション工学専攻(先端融合テクノロジー連携教育プログラムコース) 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Documents downloaded from Internet file storage and material as distributed in class.
担当教員 Lawson Michael


The objectives of this course are to 1) have students select a topic for an English oral presentation, 2) to teach students how to create an outline to crystallize their thoughts into a cogent discussion of their topic that will then be used in the development of a PowerPoint presentation; 3) to teach students to actually give a presentation in English; and 4) to select three students to participate in the Annual English Presentation Contest for Students of Colleges of Technology.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
To develop English oral presentation ability by studying effective presentation techniques such as eye-contact and gestures; to learn practical and useful words, phrases and expressions for oral presentations.
To learn how to prepare English language scripts for oral presentations by shaping ideas into logical and persuasive presentations.
To improve ability to give English oral presentations.



The objective of this course is to introduce students to techniques to help them create and give English-language oral presentations.
Students’ English oral presentation ability will be evaluated through one “Main” English oral presentation to be given in a professional contest format. Students will have attained the goal of this course provided that they have earned 60% of the total points possible which includes the 1 “Main” presentation.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduce the course Students will understand the course requirements and pedagogical method.
2週 Develop contest script draft 1 Learn script development technique. Work on first script attempt in class with your group
3週 Develop contest script draft 2 To improve upon first script draft by implementing changes suggested by the teacher and group members.
4週 Develop contest final script To improve upon second script draft by refining second script draft based on changes suggested by the teacher and group members.
5週 Practice adherence to professional presentation standards Learn professional standards of conference presentations. Time students' script performance.
6週 Develop PowerPoint presentation draft 1 corresponding to final script Learn to create a professional-level PowerPoint slide presentation with emphasis on corresponding script/slides.
7週 Develop PowerPoint presentation draft 2 corresponding to final script Improve upon first PowerPoint draft by incorporating changes and suggestions made by the teacher and group members.
8週 Develop PowerPoint presentation final draft corresponding to final script To refine second draft PowerPoint presentations into professional-level offerings.
9週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of memorization during first attempt at giving your presentation
10週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of eye-contact as you demonstrate your ideas to the audience
11週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of gestures as supplemental boost for strong presentations
12週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of volume to reach all audience members and to properly convey ideas
13週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of confidence as a key technique to having presentations be well-received by audience members
14週 Practice presentations in class with the students and teacher as audience members Learn the importance of group coordination in giving professional-level presentations
15週 REHEARSAL PRESENTATION CONTEST Understand areas needed for improvement.
16週 PRESENTATION CONTEST Give a professional-level English presentation.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Proficiency10000000100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000