

学校 奈良工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 アドバンスト・グローバルエンジニアスキル
科目番号 0012 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 システム創成工学専攻(情報システムコース) 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Alex Raynham (著) Future Energy
担当教員 Leigh McDowell


This subject aims to develop specialised English skills for globally active engineers (i.e., reading, writing, and presenting research).


評価項目1Demonstrated advanced writing skillsDemonstrated intermediate writing skillsDemonstrated lack of basic writing skills
評価項目2Demonstrated advanced presentation skillsDemonstrated intermediate presentation skillsDemonstrated lack of basic presentation skills
評価項目3Demonstrated exceptional participationDemonstrated good participationDemonstrated low participation


JABEE基準 (c) 説明 閉じる
JABEE基準 (d-2a) 説明 閉じる
システム創成工学教育プログラム学習・教育目標 B-1 説明 閉じる
システム創成工学教育プログラム学習・教育目標 D-1 説明 閉じる


In order to develop practical English speaking and listening skills, this subject is taught all in English, and students are expected to use English as much as possible.
This subject is taught all in English, and students are expected to use English. Students practice and learn English discussion skills based around the topic of future energy. The subject includes learning through the lecture and practice to acquire presentation skills. Active participation is required.



授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Lesson1: Energy today Understand the contents of Lesson 1 and discuss them in English.
2週 Lesson2: Fossil fuels Understand the contents of Lesson 2 and discuss them in English.
3週 Lesson3: Energy and our planet Understand the contents of Lesson 3 and discuss them in English.
4週 Lesson4: Saving energy Understand the contents of Lesson 4 and discuss them in English.
5週 Lesson5: The power of the atom Understand the contents of Lesson 5 and discuss them in English.
6週 Lesson6: Super fuels Understand the contents of Lesson 6 and discuss them in English.
7週 Lesson7: A bright future Understand the contents of Lesson 7 and discuss them in English.
8週 Lesson8: When the wind blows Understand the contents of Lesson 8 and discuss them in English.
9週 Lesson9: Water world Understand the contents of Lesson 9 and discuss them in English.
10週 Lesson10: Heat all around us Understand the contents of Lesson 10 and discuss them in English.
11週 Lesson11: People power Understand the contents of Lesson 11 and discuss them in English.
12週 Lesson12: Nano power Understand the contents of Lesson 12 and discuss them in English.
13週 Lesson13: Energy in space Understand the contents of Lesson 13 and discuss them in English.
14週 Lesson14: Going local Understand the contents of Lesson 14 and discuss them in English.
15週 Lesson15: Where next? Understand the contents of Lesson 15 and discuss them in English.




PresentationClass Participation合計