

学校 徳山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 総合英語演習Ⅱ
科目番号 0187 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 土木建築工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
担当教員 長戸 喜隆,倉増 泰弘,リービス カーティス


The English title of this course will be “Critical Thinking in English”. In this course, students will engage in discussions and activities which help them improve their critical thinking skills and their use of the English language. The focus of this class is engagement and conversation, not grammar and vocabulary. We focus on examining our thinking in order to improve our awareness of how we think and the decisions we make; and we do this in a foreign language (English) because this forces us to think more carefully about what we want to say and why.


評価項目1Can express self clearly in spoken English.Can express self in spoken English, though errors may make it difficult to understand.Cannot express self in spoken English, either through lack of development of ideas or through overabundance of technical errors.
評価項目2Can understand written and spoken English with few difficulties. Can understand written and spoken English, though misunderstandings do occur.Cannot understand written or spoken English at the sentence- or global-level.
評価項目3Can engage with peers in useful ways about how to improve their critical thinking.Can engage with peers regarding critical thinking.Fails to engage peers regarding critical thinking.


到達目標 A 2 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


The English title of this course will be “Critical Thinking in English”. In this course, students will engage in discussions and activities which help them improve their critical thinking skills and their use of the English language. The focus of this class is engagement and conversation, not grammar and vocabulary. We focus on examining our thinking in order to improve our awareness of how we think and the decisions we make; and we do this in a foreign language (English) because this forces us to think more carefully about what we want to say and why.
Students will participate in weekly lessons which involve speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. Lessons focus on lessons prompting students to examine their critical thinking and decision making skills. Mastery of English is NOT the aim of these lessons: improving our critical thinking skills through English is the the aim of these lessons. Homework will be required, and that homework will require students to communicate with various people outside of class: family, friends, neighbors, etc., because interaction with other peoples’ ways of thinking is essential to better understanding our own thinking. Presentations and role-plays will also be required of students.
Homework (40%) + Class Activities and Quizzes (40%) + TOEIC score (10%) + e-learning (10%) = 100% 
e-learning: TOEIC L&R キックオフ 69Lessons中25Lessons終了で10%付与する。
TOEIC score: 12月に実施されるTOEIC IPのスコアを加味する。なお、TOEIC IPが実施されない場合には、e-learningの10%を20%に換算する。


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Class introduction: class methods, teacher’s role and students’ role, resources, e-learning and online study. “What is Critical Thinking?” Students will understand the class format, tools for communication, and purpose.
2週 Unit 1: “Apples vs. Cake” Students will examine the situations of decision making.
3週 Unit 1: “Apples vs. Cake” Students will learn the importance of cooperation in decision making.
4週 Unit 2: “Anime vs. Manga” Students will help each other examine their critical thinking.
5週 Unit 2: “Anime vs. Manga” Students will help each other examine their critical thinking.
6週 Unit 3: “Social Media and Humans” Students will examine the relative importance of reasons.
7週 Unit 3: “Social Media and Humans” Students will examine the relative importance of reasons.
8週 Unit 4: “Solar Energy Benefits and Drawbacks” Students will produce reason-based arguments.
9週 Unit 4: “Solar Energy Benefits and Drawbacks” Students will produce reason-based arguments.
10週 Unit 5: “Robots, AI, and Human Employment” Students will communicate to others complex ideas.
11週 Unit 5: “Robots, AI, and Human Employment” Students will communicate to others complex ideas.
12週 Unit 6: “Population Problems” Students will give in-class presentations.
13週 Unit 6: “Population Problems” Students will provide criticisms of in-class presentations.
14週 Unit 7: “Benefits and Drawbacks of Cram Schools” Students will engage in debates.
15週 Unit 7: “Benefits and Drawbacks of Cram Schools” Students will engage in debates.
16週 Review Review of main points of the course.




ExamsHomeworkMutual Evaluation (相互評価)Class Activities and Quizzes (授業への取り組み・小テスト)TOEIC scoree-learning合計