

学校 徳山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 総合英語演習Ⅱ
科目番号 0199 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 土木建築工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
担当教員 長戸 喜隆,倉増 泰弘,リービス カーティス


The main focus of this course is writing and reading in English. Students will practice effective communication via written English. Students will write essays, read each others’ essays, and provide feedback on how to improve those essays. Students will also spend significant time reading current English news articles and discussing, in English, how these relate to their lives. The majority of students’ scores will be based on written essays, reading quizzes, and participation; there will be no mid-term or final exams, and no textbook to buy. The principal language of communication in the classroom will be English, though Japanese (or any other language) might be used at times to provide examples or clarify.


評価項目1Can express self clearly in written EnglishCan express self in written English, though errors may make it difficult to understand.Cannot express self in written English, either through lack of development of ideas or through overabundance of technical errors.
評価項目2Can understand written English passages with few difficulties. Can understand written English passages, though misunderstandings do occur.Cannot understand written English at the sentence- or global-level.
評価項目3Can provide useful feedback to peers about how to improve their written English.Can read peers’ writing and provide some useful feedback.Fails to provide useful feedback to peers.


到達目標 A 2 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


The principal focus of this course is to provide students with meaningful practice with written English. Students will write essays in English and share these with classmates. They will also read English-language news articles and answer questions about these. The content of these news articles will depend, in part, on the students’ interactions with previous readings and writings. A big part of this course is learning to communicate in written English, and to communicate with others about written English.
Students will write essays based on the following developmental steps: 1) read a news article, 2) discuss the news article in class, 3) answer questions about the news article (as on online quiz), 4) draft a response to the news article, 5) share their draft with peers, 6) provide written and verbal feedback to peers regarding their drafts, and 6) rewrite drafts and submit edited essay to the teacher for evaluation.
Essays (50%) + Reading Quizzes (30%) + TOEIC score (10%) + e-learning (10%) = 100% 
e-learning: TOEIC L&R キックオフ 69Lessons中25Lessons終了で10%付与する。
TOEIC score: 12月に実施されるTOEIC IPのスコアを加味する。なお、TOEIC IPが実施されない場合には、e-learningの10%を20%に換算する。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Class introduction: class methods, teacher’s role and students’ role, resources, e-learning and online study. Students will install Kahoot! (app). Students will gain a sense of the importance of communication in world history and to the future.
2週 First reading, in-class discussion, and online quiz. Students start developing ideas for first writing assignment. Students will understand the active role they must play in helping each other improve their understanding and use of written English.
3週 Quiz feedback. Lecture on writing mechanics. Activities to develop first writing assignment. Students will learn the importance of cooperation in production of written content.
4週 Draft of Writing Assignment #1 due. Peer review. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
5週 Writing Assignment #1 due to teacher. 2nd reading and discussion. Reading quiz #2 (online, outside of class). Students will learn the importance of cooperation in production of written content.
6週 Reading quiz #2 feedback. Discussion. Activities to develop vocabulary and writing assignment #2. In-class drafting of writing assignment #2. Draft of writing assignment #2 due next week. Students will cooperate with others to develop their ideas.
7週 Writing assignment #1 feedback. Peer review of writing assignment #2. Final draft due to teacher next week. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
8週 Writing assignment #2 due to teacher. Begin next reading and discussion. Reading quiz #3 (online, outside of class). Students will cooperate with others to develop their ideas.
9週 Reading quiz #3 feedback. Discussion. Activities to develop vocabulary and writing assignment #3. In-class drafting of writing assignment #3. Draft of writing assignment #3 due next week. Students will learn the importance of cooperation in production of written content.
10週 Writing assignment #2 feedback. Peer review of writing assignment #3. 2nd draft of writing assignment #3 due next week. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
11週 2nd in-class peer review of writing assignment #3. Final draft of writing assignment #3 due to teacher next week. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
12週 Writing assignment #3 due to teacher. Begin next reading and discussion. Reading quiz #4 (online, outside of class). Students will learn the importance of cooperation in production of written content.
13週 Reading quiz #4 feedback. Discussion. Activities to develop vocabulary and writing assignment #4. In-class drafting of writing assignment #4. Draft of writing assignment #4 due next week. Students will cooperate with others to develop their ideas.
14週 Writing assignment #3 feedback. Peer review of writing assignment #4. 2nd draft of writing assignment #4 due next week. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
15週 2nd in-class peer review of writing assignment #4. Final draft of writing assignment #4 due to teacher next week. Students will help each other improve their writing and ideas.
16週 Writing assignment #4 due to teacher.




EssaysReading Quizzes相互評価授業への取り組み・小テストTOEIC scoree-learning合計