Environmental and Energy Problems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Course Information

College Tokuyama College Year 2019
Course Title Environmental and Energy Problems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Course Code 0147 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Student Grade 5th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 教科書:山崎耕造著、「トコトンやさしいエネルギーの本」(日刊工業新聞社) 参考書:経済産業省HP「エネルギー基本計画2018」及び日本のエネルギー「エネルギーの今を知る20の質問」(資源エネルギー庁HP)
Instructor Onishi Shosaku

Course Objectives

Environmental and energy problems now and in the future can be mutually discussed among students, based on their own professional knowledge in mechanical and electrical engineering acquired during 5 years of prior study.
Their constructive opinions toward the problem are published in English .



Assigned Department Objectives

到達目標 C 2 See Hide
JABEE d-4 See Hide

Teaching Method

It is very important for the students who are future mechanical and electrical engineers to obtain the basic knowledge of environmental and energy problems. Recent problems in this field are lectured first. Based on the integrated professional knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering, students have to clarify their own ideas for the problem. The big disaster caused by the east Japan earthquake on Mar/11/2011 and the subsequent accidents of a nuclear power plant are also studied.
this course is for a faculty member who was in charge of planning and design at a company to make a lecture using the experience.
Significant information on the energy and environental problems are lectured first. After that, wind and PV generation are picked up as the typical example of renewable energy.
Also, I will give a lecture on the outline of the FY 2018 energy basic plan.Furthermore, we discuss discussions on energy with external experts.
In the last half of the semester, students have to investigate their interested field of the problems and give their presentations. Before the last presentation, discussion with foreign students in English . Plain English communication ability is necessary in the class.
Even plain English is fine. Because the initial purpose is to lower the hurdles against English through discussions in English.
1 . 授業の概要と到達目標、評価法の説明
Orientation Abstract, goal and evaluation of the class are explained.
2 . 環境問題やエネルギー問題に対する基礎知識 Basic knowledge on environmental and energy problems
  (1)日本の環境エネルギー問題 Environmental and energy problems in Japan
  (2)再生可能エネルギーの基礎知識 Renewable energy(RE) and newly developed energy
  (3)それらの利用・普及・促進 How to use, spread, and promote the RE
  (4)世界の状況 The current situation in the world
Basic knowledge is evaluated by a mid-term exam.
3 . 環境エネルギー問題についてのプレゼンテーションおよび討議
Students presentation on related environmental and energy problems and discussion
 想定されるテーマ   Intended Project theme
  ・固定価格買い取り制度の意義と可能性 ・Significance and possibility of Feed-In-Tariff system
  ・風力エネルギー利用の現状と促進についての提言 ・Present situation of wind power
  ・太陽熱または光エネルギー利用 ・Photovoltaic energy and solar heat
  ・持続可能エネルギーとLCA ・Sustainable energy and LCA(Life Cycle Assessment)
  ・バイオマスエネルギー利用 ・Biomass energy
  ・水素エネルギー利用 ・Hydrogen energy
  ・燃料電池 ・Fuel cell
  ・バイオディーセル燃料の促進 ・Bio-diesel fuel
  ・ハイブリッド自動車技術の可能性 ・Hybrid vehicle technique

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st オリエンテーション 授業の概要と到達目標、評価法について理解すること。
2nd エネルギーの基礎  以下を理解すること。
3rd 地球環境問題の基礎 ・地球環境問題とはなにかを理解すること。
4th 再生可能エネルギーの基礎 ・左記エネルギーの種類、特徴、課題等について理解すること。
5th 化石&核エネルギーの基礎
6th エネルギー基本計画の概要(その1)
7th エネルギー基本計画の概要(その2) 世界のエネルギー情勢のなかでの日本のエネルギー政策を理解すること。
8th 中間試験 前半で学習した内容の理解度を確認する。満点を目指す。
4th Quarter
9th 中間試験の答案返却
10th エネルギーをめぐる講演と対話(その1) 外部有識者によるエネルギー関係の講義を聴講後、有識者と学生によるグループ討議をすることによりエネルギーに対する理解度向上を図る。(10週と11週をまとめて実施予定)
11th エネルギーをめぐる講演と対話(その2) 同上(10週と11週をまとめて実施予定)
12th エネルギー問題に係る調査 各自、エネルギーの関する特定の課題、問題に対し調査しPPTにまとめる。(PPTは英文とする)
13th エネルギー問題に係る調査 同上
14th エネルギー問題に係る調査結果発表 エネルギー問題の理解向上
15th ・期末試験なし
16th 総括 エネルギー問題の概要・課題の把握

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
