English Seminar (English Conversation---Intermediate)

Course Information

College Tokuyama College Year 2019
Course Title English Seminar (English Conversation---Intermediate)
Course Code 0156 Course Category General / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Student Grade 5th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Breakthrough Plus3
Instructor Dwyer Darcy

Course Objectives

Speaking English with confidence and fluency. 2nd grade in the STEP


評価項目1can express opinion fluently in Englishcan express opinion moderately fluently in Englishcannot express opinion in English

Assigned Department Objectives

到達目標 A 2 See Hide
JABEE f See Hide

Teaching Method

Get the advanced-level students to communicate in English as much as possible.
Generally following the textbook with teacher aids and supplements as needed.
Grades will be 80% test based and 20% based on attendance and participation

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Unit 7 Food & drink
2nd Unit 7 Food & drink
3rd Unit 8 Rules
4th Unit 8 Rules
5th Unit 9 Adventures
6th Unit 9 Adventures
7th Review Teacher's discretion. Questions and answers
8th 中間試験 Basic but practical examination covering what has been taught so far.
4th Quarter
9th Test review / Unit 10 Giving correct answers and explanations /
10th Unit 10 Health
11th Unit 11 Comparisons
12th Unit 11 Comparisons
13th Unit 12 The modern world
14th Unit 12 / Review The modern world / Teacher's discretion. Q and A
15th 期末試験 Basic but practical examination covering what has been taught so far.
16th 答案返却など Giving correct answers and explanations.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
