

学校 鳥羽商船高等専門学校 開講年度 平成24年度 (2012年度)
授業科目 専門英語
科目番号 0073 科目区分 専門 / コース必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 商船学科 対象学年 5
開設期 後期 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Passport 1, Passport 1 Workbook, 中学3年分の英語やりなおしワークノート
担当教員 教務係


Students will be able to express a great deal if not most of what they want to say using the present simple, past simple, present continuous, past continuous, second conditional and future(both "will"and "be going to"). Therefore, the most important goal is that students understand these sentence forms and when they are used and practice using them in a marine environment. This lesson spend time correctly misconceptions that often appear among English speakers whose native language is Japanese.
Furthermore, since many students travel abroad several lessons deal with real world situations such as ordering in a restaurant, shopping and working in marine environments. Hopefully students will see these as a fun break from the normal routine of class and will gain confidence in their ability to speak English. These lessons, and indeed the class as a whole, will give the students a sense that English is not just a school subject but something that can be of valuable throughout their lives. Finally, after taking this class students are able to visit a foreign country and use English confidently.


評価項目1The ideal level of achievement would be that students are able to acquire enough English to visit a foreign country and confidently use English. This includes asking questions, answering them and being able to understand the answer they hear.A standard level of achievement would be that students are not able to convey everything they want to in English but most of it. Also, they should be able to understand what is said to them.An unacceptable level of achievement would be that students cannot communicate in English sentences but fall back on gestures and single words.
評価項目2A second evaluation point is whether students have mastered the six sentence forms.The ideal level would be that students can make statements as well as ask and answer questions smoothly and confidently with a few minor mistakes. The standard level would be that students make occasional mistakes with these forms but their meaning is still clear to a native English speaker.An unacceptable level would be that the student is unable to make their meaning clear to native speaker and simply causes confusion.
評価項目3A third evaluation points is whether students are able to understand questions that start with auxiliary verbs. The ideal level would be that they can ask and answer questions smoothly and with a few or no mistakes.The standard level would be that students can usually ask and answer these types of questions smoothly but with occasional mistakes.An unacceptable level would be that students do not understand the basic way to answer these questions.



This class involves learning the basic level of English conversation and some useful expressions while engaging in maritime environments. Students practice colloquial English using the textbook and some reference book. the students' expressions and presentations will be checked to make it more appropriate in the real world.
Besides tests and reviewing homework together, students will be asked questions in English at random to encourage them to use what they've learned. As they make mistakes, pertinent points will be explained as necessary.
Frequent practice test will be given so students realize their current English level and whether or not they need to put in more study time. During the class any students who speak English freely will be encouraged and their mistakes will be corrected with a view to not souring them on trying to speak. Students are also strongly encouraged to ask questions about anything that is unclear.
Grading method:
Grades will be based on performance on tests quizzes and class participation. Students may earn extra points by actively using English at any time during the 15 lessons. Conversely, students who act out will have points taken away.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Self introductions Many students feel shy about speaking in front of others. This gives them a chance to overcome that.
2週 Introduction of what I feel Study about the six most important sentence forms, present simple, present continuous, past simple, future( will and be going to) and second conditional.
3週 Practice Questions Start with auxiliary verbs. Study negative questions.
4週 Review Review of when to use and not to use "was". Explanation of articles.
5週 Practice test Discussion with each student about the strengths and weaknesses of their English.
6週 Review Review of any important points that students had difficulty with on the practice test.
7週 Real word practice-Ordering in a restaurant- Using real menus brought from the US, students will be divided into groups and order, with me playing the part of the waiter.
8週 Examination
9週 Returning answer sheets and discussion of current events in English 1 Students will be asked their opinions on topics in the news and will learn how to back up their opinions with facts taken from various sources.
10週 Public Speaking Students will tell others about something that is important to them and will field questions.
11週 Practice test Discussion with each students about the strength and weakness of their English.
12週 Real world practice Writing email in English and making restaurant and hotel reservation in English in simulated telephone conversation.
13週 Real world practice-shopping- Using pictures of items commonly bought by travelers, students will have to explain to a store clerk, played by me, their wants as well as asking about prices, colors, sizes and etc.
14週 Review for the examination Review with a view to getting students prepared for final test. Special attention will be paid to weaker students.
15週 Examination
16週 Returning answer sheets and discussion Discussion with each student about the strengths and weaknesses of their English.



