English Conversation

Course Information

College Tokuyama College Year 2023
Course Title English Conversation
Course Code 0036 Course Category General / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Student Grade 2nd
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials New All Talk 1
Instructor Dwyer Darcy,Chambers Perry,Kuramashi Yasuhiro

Course Objectives

To help students develop their English speaking skills. Between 3rd and pre-2nd grade in the STEP.


評価項目1can control a basic conversation fluentlycan control a basic conversation somewhat fluentlycannot control a basic conversation

Assigned Department Objectives

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Teaching Method

Use of text book and conversations with native speaker as well as testing
Generally the text will comprise the bulk of the class work. But supplementary material will be used at each teacher's discretion.
Grades will be based 80% from test scores and 20% from class participation by teachers judgment.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Unit 1: Present tenses Students will learn vocabulary and phrases to get through Immigration Control smoothly.
Students develop skills needed for self-introductions and small talk. Students will practice basic questions without looking at the textbook.
2nd Unit 2: Basic quesitons and answers Students will be able to talk about their lives in general and what their leisure activities consist of. Students will learn vocabulary an phrases to get through Customs Control smoothly.
3rd Unit 3: Basic questions, Directions Students will be able to ask for and give directions.
Students will effectively talk about their homes and neighbourhood.
4th Unit 4: Past simple tense Students will learn to ask for permission. Students will talkfluently about recent events. Students will learn the English needed to reserve a hotel room smoothly.
5th Unit 5: Present perfect tense Students will learn vocabulary for apologizing. Students will learn to talk about their experiences and sports.
6th Unit 6: Future tense Students will be able to use vocabulary related to shopping. Students will develop skills for talking about future events fluently
7th Unit 6: Future tense Students will make and ask questions to people who are travelling abroad. Students well review previous lessons.
8th 中間試験 Test Test
2nd Quarter
9th Review the test: Unit 7: Count & Non-count nouns Students will review their test papers. Students will be able to talk about their community effectively. Students will make conversations related to books and TV fluently.
10th Unit 8: Comparison Students will be able to respond to good news and bad news smoothly. Students will develop skills needed for talking about jobs and work.
11th Unit 9: Verb + infinitive Students will practice ordering a meal effectively. Students will learn vocabulary and phrases for talking about food.
12th Unit 10: Verb + gerund Students will practice conversations related to entertainment. Students will practice reserving theater seats.
13th Unit 11: Preferences, Suggestions (1) Students will develop skills for expressing their preferences and making suggestions fluently. Students will be able to talk about going on a trip or an adventure.
14th Unit 12: Modal verbs, Suggestions (2) Students will be able to use vocabulary relating to health and consulting a doctor. Student s will practice making suggestions
15th 期末試験 Test Test Week
16th Return Tests. Students will review their tests.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
