English Conversation

Course Information

College Tokuyama College Year 2020
Course Title English Conversation
Course Code 0061 Course Category General / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Student Grade 3rd
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Side by Side Level 2
Instructor Kuramashi Yasuhiro,Curtis Revis

Course Objectives

To help students develop their English speaking skills for a variety of common conversational situations. Students will develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well ask methods for strategies for overcoming misunderstandings (circumlocution techniques). Students’ final scores will depend on two tests (a mid-term test and a final test) as well as in-class participation and attendance.


評価項目1Can control a basic conversation fluentlyCan control a basic conversation moderately fluentlyCannot control a basic conversation
評価項目2Can give opinions in English clearlyCan give opinions in English moderately clearlyCannot give opinions in English
評価項目3Can understand spoken English with little difficulty.Can understand spoken English with some difficulty.Cannot understand spoken English.

Assigned Department Objectives

到達目標 A 2 See Hide

Teaching Method

Use of textbook and conversations with native speaker as well as testing.
Generally the text will comprise a bulk of the class work, but supplementary materials will be used at each teacher's discretion.
Grades will be based 80% from test scores and 20% from class participation and attendance according to the teacher’s judgment.

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Chapter 1: Review of Tenses Students will describe present, past, and future actions, learn common vocabulary of birthdays and gifts, and talk about friendships.
2nd Chapter 1: Review of Tenses Students will describe present, past, and future actions, learn common vocabulary of birthdays and gifts, and talk about friendships.
3rd Chapter 2: Count/Non-Count Nouns Students will learn the vocabulary for food, buying food, and being a guest at mealtime, as well as describe food preferences.
4th Chapter 2: Count/Non-Count Nouns Students will learn the vocabulary for food, buying food, and being a guest at mealtime, as well as describe food preferences.
5th Chapter 3: Partitives, Count/Non-Count Nouns, Imperatives Students will practice buying food, describing food, ordering at a restaurant, and briefly describe recipes.
6th Chapter 4: Future Tense: Will, Time Expressions, Might Students will develop skills for telling about the future, probability, possibility, and giving warnings.
7th Chapter 4: Future Tense: Will, Time Expressions, Might Students will develop skills for telling about the future, probability, possibility, and giving warnings.
8th 中間試験
4th Quarter
9th Review of the test, Chapter 5: Comparatives, Should, Possessive Pronouns Students will learn to make comparisons, give and receive advice, express opinions, and agreement and disagreement.
10th Chapter 5: Comparatives, Should, Possessive Pronouns Students will learn to make comparisons, give and receive advice, express opinions, and agreement and disagreement.
11th Chapter 6: Superlatives Students will develop the vocabulary for describing people, places, and things, for shopping in a department store, and expressing opinions.
12th Chapter 6: Superlatives Students will develop the vocabulary for describing people, places, and things, for shopping in a department store, and expressing opinions.
13th Chapter 7: Imperatives, Directions Students will develop the vocabulary and phrases for getting around town and for using public transportation.
14th Chapter 7: Imperatives, Directions Students will develop the vocabulary and phrases for getting around town and for using public transportation.
15th 期末試験
16th 答案返却など

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
