

学校 木更津工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 英会話Ⅱ
科目番号 0110 科目区分 一般 / 必修選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Susan Stempleski (2014) "Stretch 2A" First Edition - (Oxford University Press)
担当教員 岩崎 洋一,瀨川 直美,GRANT James,Shion Heigen


This course focuses upon improving the student’s ability to engage in conversation and communicate in English, and help the student feel more confident about using the English they already know. The course uses role-plays and various scenarios that simulate a natural setting to use the language studied in the textbooks. The textbook itself also covers reading, writing and listening practice, much of which will be set as homework to allow the focus to remain upon communication exercises in class.


理想的な到達レベルの目安 Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)標準的な到達レベルの目安 Standard Level of Achievement (Good)未到達レベルの目安 Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
評価項目1 Communicative Ability / AttitudeIs able to use natural English in a variety of situations. Able to instigate and to maintain a conversation on a range of topics both familiar and unfamiliar.Sometimes uses some un-natural phrases or expressions in conversation. Finds it a little difficult to instigate a conversation in English. Sometimes struggles to hold a conversation about unfamiliar topics. Makes little effort to use natural English. Cannot instigate or maintain a conversation.
評価項目2 Use of English in ClassStrives to use English in the class as much as proficiency allows. Uses reference materials when vocabulary is insufficient. Tries to apply new concepts and use new vocabulary while speaking. Applies new personting techniques to pressntation exercises.At all times tries to use English when in the class, but relies on others to produce the language. Gives short answers. Occasionally uses Japanese in class without first trying to express themselves in English.Seldom makes any effort to use English in the class. Doesn't speak during group or pair activities.
評価項目3 Class ParticipationActively participates in all activities and discussions with a positive attitude. Makes appropriate contributions. Listens attentively to others. Completes presentation exercises throughout course.Shows interest in activities and participates, but sometimes passively rather than actively. Spends a little too long listening to others instead of contributing. Attempts to complete presentation exercises.Seldom contributes or listens to others. Presence in class has little or no bearing upon communicative activities. Makes no attempt to participate in presentation activeities



This course aims to improve the ability for students to engage in natural English Conversation. The course uses a 6-skill approach (Listening, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Presenting) and focuses upon a range of common situations and provides the language necessary to navigate such situations, whilst using remote-learning for the first semester, and using role-playing, activities and discussions to build students confidence and allow ample practice. Interactions will be varied (pair work, group work, class discussions and individual presentations when in-class, use of Microsoft Forms and Quizzes, uploading of prepared speeches, use of online video resources during remote-learning period) and will be supported by the study of new vocabulary and grammar structures in the textbook. There are presentation exercises and mini-presentations included in each unit of the textbook. Reading and writing exercises will also be used in class to introduce or reinforce the concepts or specific situations. Short DVD viewing exercises followed by a set of comprehension-check questions are also included in each unit where possible, or replaced with similar activities using online video content during remote-learning period.
Students are assessed through classroom activities (discussions, pair and group activities, as well as presentation exercises) or alternatively through Microsoft Forms, uploaded audio recordings and participation during the remote-learning period [50%] and tests (mid-term and final) [50%] The first term will not feature a mid-term examination, but a review mini-test will be carried out remotely in lesson 8, which will replace the mid-term when determining grades.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Welcome Lesson. Introductions. Course Outline. Essential Language. Introduction to remote learning and forms. Understand course objectives. Complete Introduction Activity. Practice essential language
2週 Unit 1 - Hobbies.
listen for main ideas. Verbs and infinitives. Use gestures
Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
3週 Unit 1 - Hobbies.
listen for main ideas. Verbs and infinitives. Use gestures
Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
4週 Unit 2 - Clothes and colors. Ask for opinions. Make a T-Chart. Eye contact in presentations. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
5週 Unit 2 - Clothes and colors. Ask for opinions. Make a T-Chart. Eye contact in presentations. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
6週 Unit 3 - An Active Life. Predict Content. Repeat to show interest. Identify Cause and Effect. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
7週 Unit 3 - An Active Life. Predict Content. Repeat to show interest. Identify Cause and Effect. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
8週 Mid-term review remote mini-test Demonstrate understanding of language and grammar used in Unit 1 - Unit 3
9週 Unit 4 - Getting Around. Form Indirect Questions. Make an outline. Ask Qs in presentation. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
10週 Unit 4 - Getting Around. Form Indirect Questions. Make an outline. Ask Qs in presentation. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
11週 Unit 5 - Personality. Show surprise. Recognize key words in text. Change focus in Presentation. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
12週 Unit 5 - Personality. Show surprise. Recognize key words in text. Change focus in Presentation. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
13週 Unit 6 - Cooking. Listen and follow order of events. Use Imperatives and sequence Markers. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
14週 Unit 6 - Cooking. Listen and follow order of events. Use Imperatives and sequence Markers. Understand language, practice conversation and complete communicative Tasks.
15週 Textbook Review, unit 4 - 6 practice exercises In preperation for the terminal Exam, a review of units 4-6 will be prepared, sufficiently preparing students for the final examination
16週 Terminal Examination Demonstrate understanding of language and grammar used in Unit 4 - Unit 6




試験/Examination教室活動/Classroom Activities合計
基礎的能力/Basic Ability5050100
専門的能力/Technical Ability000
分野横断的能力/Interdisciplinary Ability000