
学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 CAD工学
科目番号 0044 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械システム工学科 対象学年 2
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 1.Fusion360マスターガイド、小原照記、藤村祐爾、ソーテック社(2019)、ISBN:978-4-8007-1254-7.
担当教員 石黒 農


Through this course, understanding of the following will be facilitated
1. Understand layer function of 2D CAD, Drawing basic design drawing
2. Practice of modeling and assembly functions using 3D CAD
3. Cooperation from CAD to CAM and CAE


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Clearly understands the layer functions of 2D CAD and has the ability to draw some design drawing in detail.Ability to understand the layer functions of 2D CAD in general, and carry out basic design drawings.Unable to understand the layer function of 2D CAD in general, and unable to carry out basic design drawings.
Evaluation 2Clearly understands modeling and assembly functions using 3D CAD in detail and has the ability to apply to design surely.Ability to practice modeling and assembly functions using 3D CAD in general, and carry out basic design. drawings.Unable to practice modeling and assembly functions using 3D CAD in general, and unable to carry out basic design drawings.
Evaluation 3Clearly understands cooperation from CAD to CAM and CAE and has the ability to apply to some design drawing in detail.Ability to understand cooperation from CAD to CAM and CAE in general, and carry out basic design drawings.Unable to understand cooperation from CAD to CAM and CAE in general, and unable to carry out basic design drawings.



In this course, you will learn about the basic concepts of CAD, and you will also understand the importance and convenience of this function by learning about the layer functions of 2D CAD. In the exercise of 3D CAD, you will practice modelling and assembly, and you will also learn about cooperation from CAD to CAM and CAE.
For the purpose of understanding CAD and CAE system, lectures and exercises will facilitate the learning of the principles and examples.
We don't want you to be absent or late for this lesson, because this lesson has a strong practical element based on the operation of CAD software.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Overview of the CAD system. You will learn the overview of the CAD system.
2週 Description of the basic commands and initial settings of 3D CAD. Introduction of CAD system.
3週 Basic usage of 3D CAD (1). Ability to understand layer function.
4週 Basic usage of 3D CAD (2). Ability to draw basic design drawing.
5週 Basic usage of 3D CAD (3). Ability to draw basic design drawing.
6週 Creating parts with 3D CAD (1). Ability to carry out modelling using 3D CAD.
7週 Creating parts with 3D CAD (2). Ability to carry out modelling using 3D CAD.
8週 Creating parts with 3D CAD (3). Ability to draw gear using 3D CAD.
9週 Assembling machine elements by 3D CAD (1). Ability to carry out assembly using 3D CAD.
10週 Assembling machine elements by 3D CAD (2). Ability to carry out assembly of gearbox using 3D CAD.
11週 Transition from 3D data to 2D drawing (1). Ability to prepare three-plane drawing using CAD system.
12週 Transition from 3D data to 2D drawing (1). Ability to draw flange using CAD system.
13週 General exercise (1). Ability to understand numerical analysis method using CAD system
14週 General exercise (2). Ability to calculate bending stress of beam using CAD system.
15週 Final exam. Final exam.
16週 Summary. Summary.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Ability2000020040
Technical Ability2000020040
Interdisciplinary Ability000020020