Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2020
Course Title Law
Course Code 0071 Course Category General / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Grade 5th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Six Codes (The 2020 edition is preferred. The type does not matter)
Instructor Goto Aki

Course Objectives

1. To acquire basic knowledge of the law.
2. To be able to grasp and think about matters from a legal perspective.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Can think about what kind of conclusion will result depending on the law (especially criminal law and civil law) when viewing an event from a legal perspective, and what methods to take as a solution.Can think about what would be a reasonable solution based on which law or provision (especially criminal law and civil law) is used for a specific incident.Understands which law or provision (especially criminal law and civil law) is used for a specific incident.Cannot view a specific incident from a legal perspective.

Assigned Department Objectives

Learning and Educational Objectives of the “General Engineering” B-6 See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(a) See Hide
Diploma policy 3 See Hide

Teaching Method

Learning objectives (aim of the lessons)
The objective of this course is to obtain a basic legal mind required as a working member of society. As beginner law students, the attainment target for everyone will be to obtain the minimum knowledge required to grasp certain incidents from a legal perspective. The general flow of the course will be to learn the basic knowledge of the law, including the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land (ultimate and highest in authority), civil law directly related to everyday life, and criminal law, which beginner law students typically show the most interest in. We will try to keep the lessons as interactive as possible.
During the course, please actively make remarks and take notes. Showing initiative is the most important aspect when learning about the law. Also, please note that the course plan may change depending on the students' degree of understanding.

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance Introduction to law ① Evaluation methods, learning methods, overall perspective of law
2nd Law ② Significance of the existence of laws, types of laws
3rd Law ③ Conflict resolution method - From a certain incident
4th Law ④ Interpretation and application of laws ① - From a certain incident
5th Law ⑤ (touching on criminal law) Requirements to establish a crime and its results - From a certain incident
6th Law ⑥ Interpretation and application of laws ② - From a certain incident
7th Law ⑦ (touching on civil law) Requirements to establish an illegal act and its results - From a certain incident
8th Law ⑧ (thinking about the role of the Constitution) Human rights, supreme law of the land, judicial review
2nd Quarter
9th Civil law ① Introduction to civil law ①
10th Civil law ② Introduction to civil law (real rights) ②
11th Civil law ③ Introduction to civil law (claims) ③
12th Civil law ④ Establishment of intent and contract
13th Civil law ⑤ Guardianship system ①
14th Civil law ⑥ Debts and credits, debt default/burden of risk/warranty against defects
15th Regular exam
16th Review of the exam/Supplement (criminal law)

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability10000000100
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000