Mechanical Experiment Ⅱ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2024
Course Title Mechanical Experiment Ⅱ
Course Code 0102 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Experiment / Practical training Credits School Credit: 2
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Grade 4th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 後期:4
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Nothing
Instructor Yoshikawa Fumie,Yamamoto Hisashi,Okane Masaki,zhao wei

Course Objectives

(1)Students understand the basic principle of the strain gauge to a certain extent and can create a stress-strain diagram from the result of the bending test.
(4) Students can explain the application of the planetary gear mechanism.


Ideal Level of AchievementStandard Level of AchievementUnacceptable Level of Achievement)
Students understand the basic principle of the strain gauge to a certain extent and can create a stress-strain diagram from the result of the bending test.Students understand the basic principles of strain gauges and can use them correctly and can create stress-strain diagrams from the results of bending tests.Students understand the basic principle of the strain gauge to a certain extent and can create a stress-strain diagram from the result of the bending test.Students do not understand the basic principle of the strain gauge, and even if a bending test is carried out, stress strain maps can not be drawn from the results.
Can you apply FEM into strength of material ?You can apply FEM into the strength of materials problem and the results can be compared and examined. With advice, you can apply FEM to strength of materials problems and the results can be compared.You can not apply FEM into the strength of materials problem.
Student can understand the basic knowledge of vibration measurement systemGood explain the outline and a mechanism of a vibration measurement systemCan explain the outline and vibration measurement systemCan not explain the outline and a vibration measurement system
Students can explain the laws of thermodynamics.Students can explain the laws of thermodynamics.Students can explain the basic laws of thermodynamics.Students cannot understand the laws of thermodynamics.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

Students will deepen their understanding of what they learned in lecture subjects by actually conducting experimental exercises and learning how to write experiment reports.
In class, students will be divided into four groups, and each group conducts experiments on all themes. Each student writes his or her own report for each experiment.
Students should not be late. Students must attend wearing clothes that are easy to work in. In addition, students must bring writing tools, experiment notes, function calculators, etc. Can take makeup exam in need aid up to maximum of 60 points.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance Students study the outline of experiments in this class.
2nd Theme① Measurement of Young's modulus by bending test (1) Students can calculate the strain from the measured deflection and draw a stress-strain diagram.
3rd Theme① Measurement of Young's modulus by bending test (2) Students understand the basic principle of the strain gauge and can measure the strain using the strain gauge in the bending test.
4th Theme① Measurement of Young's modulus by bending test (3) Students can make practical measurements using strain gauges.
5th Theme② Flow dynamics I Student can measure flow rate using Bernoulli's principle.
6th Theme② Flow dynamics II Student can observe turbulent flow with controlling Reynolds number.
7th Theme② Flow dynamics III Student can measure Pipe friction coefficient with extended Bernoulli's principle
8th Theme③ Vibration measurement system (1) In Theme③, study about a vibration measurement system
Understand a mechanism of a vibration measurement system.
4th Quarter
9th Theme③ Vibration measurement system (2) Understand and measure about basic vibration such as cantilever beam
10th Theme③ Vibration measurement system (3) Understand and measure about forced vibration of single dimension.
11th Theme④ Experiments on thermodynamics Students understand the law of conservation of heat.
12th Theme④ Experiments on thermodynamics Students understand the basic laws of thermodynamics in terms of volume, pressure, and temperature changes of gases during compression and expansion.
13th Theme④ Experiments on thermodynamics Students understand the basic laws of thermodynamics in terms of volume, pressure, and temperature changes of gases during compression and expansion.
14th General exercise, report preparation Students summarize the contents for each experiment theme and prepare a report.
15th Report return and explanation, questionnaire Students review matters of insufficient understanding and review.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

Basic Ability00
Technical Ability100100