Mechanical Engineering Measurement

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2023
Course Title Mechanical Engineering Measurement
Course Code 0107 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Grade 4th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 後期:2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials はじめての計測工学 (Shigeo Minami, Ichiro Kimura and Tsutomu Araki, Kodansha Ltd.)
Instructor Yoshikawa Fumie

Course Objectives

(1) Students correctly understand measurement accuracy and errors.
(2) Students can understand the features of main physical quantity (lengths, force, pressure, mass and density) measurement methods.
(3) Students can explain various control methods.
(4) Students can solve transfer function by Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform.
(5) Students can draw block diagram.


Ideal Level of AchievementStandard Level of AchievementUnacceptable Level of Achievement)
Evaluation 1Students can organize experimental data in consideration of measurement accuracy and errors.Students can explain measurement accuracy and errors.Students can not explain measurement accuracy or error.
Evaluation 2Students can measure main physical quantity (lengths, force, pressure, mass and density) using appropriate measurement methods.Students can explain the features of main physical quantity (lengths, force, pressure, mass and density) measurement methods.Students can not explain the features of main physical quantity (lengths, force, pressure, mass and density) measurement methods.
Evaluation 3Students can measure quantity of substance using appropriate measurement methods.Students can explain the features of main quantity of substance measurement methods.Students can not explain the features of main quantity of substance measurement methods.

Assigned Department Objectives

Learning and Educational Objectives of the “General Engineering” A-6 See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(d)(1) See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(e) See Hide
Diploma policy 1 See Hide

Teaching Method

Various measurement methods are important both in the manufacturing field and in the research and development field. Accuracy, cost, reliability and persuasiveness of data are significantly different depending on the measurement method. In this subject, the purpose is to acquire knowledge about measurement, study how to measure various physical quantities using measuring equipment.
Lesson plans may be changed according to the student’s degree of understanding.
Lesson plans may be changed according to the student’s degree of understanding.
Can take makeup exam in need aid up to maximum of 60 points.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Introduction to measurement engineering Students understand what measurement engineering is.
2nd Errors and significant figures(1) Students understand errors and significant figures.
3rd Errors and significant figures(2) Students understand errors and significant figures.
4th Length measurement Students can explain the structure and precautions of length, angle and shape measuring equipment. And they can explain the errors that can occur.
5th Measurement of force, stress and pressure Students can explain typical force measurement methods. And they can explain the errors that can occur.
6th Measurement of flow rate Students can explain measurement of flow rate. And they can explain the errors that can occur.
7th Measurement of pressure Students can explain measurement of pressure. And they can explain the errors that can occur.
8th Exam
4th Quarter
9th Answer and explanation of the exam
10th Measurement of temperature Students can explain measurement of temperature. And they can explain the errors that can occur.
11th Principles of instrumental analysis Students can explain principles of instrumental analysis.
12th Principles of instrumental analysis Students can explain principles of instrumental analysis.
13th Signal conversion and processing(1) Students can explain the conversion of metrology to electrical signals.
14th Signal conversion and processing(2) Students can explain the conversion of metrology to electrical signals.
15th Final exam
16th Return and explanation final exam

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

Basic Ability301040
Technical Ability501060