Comprehensive Japanese ⅡB

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2023
Course Title Comprehensive Japanese ⅡB
Course Code 0067 Course Category General / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Grade 3rd
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials "ShinSeisenGendaibunB""SeisenKotenBKaiteiban""ShinSougouZusetsuKokugo"
Instructor Adachi Mayuko

Course Objectives

1.You can acquire knowledge about languages such as kanji, vocabulary and grammar, and you can explain them by using them.
2.You can read a variety of sentences, capture the content according to the logic of the sentence, and explain it using the language.
3. You can have your own ideas about issues presented in various texts, including classics, and express them as texts in the appropriate languages.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Understanding words and phrases that appear in textYou can actually create a sentence properly by yourself using words and phrases in the sentence.You can explain the meaning of a phrase in a sentence according to the sentence.You can't explain the meaning of a phrase in a sentence.
Understanding of the main points of sentencesYou can express your thoughts about the gist of the text in the appropriate text.You can explain the gist of a sentence as a sentence using an appropriate language.You cannot explain the main point of a sentence as a sentence using appropriate language.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

1. You will acquire basic linguistic knowledge such as kanji, meaning of words and grammar.
2. You read and understand various sentences according to each logical structure and understand the main point.
3. To enable you to have your own opinions and ideas about the various issues you have learned through reading and understanding the text, and to express them as text in the appropriate language.
Lectures and exercises by teachers in charge.
Handouts prepared by teachers in charge will be distributed before classes to prepare for and review.
Students should prepare in advance : review and prepare from the previous lecture before entering the class.
(As out-of-class learning and prior learning for classes, students shall prepare the contents of classes.)
(As off-course learning and post-course learning, students solve issues related to the contents of classes.)
The class plan may be changed according to the students' level of understanding.
In this subject, credits are recognized by an evaluation of 60 points or more. As shown in the evaluation ratio below, the test (average of the mid-term and final exams) is the main point, and the performance is evaluated by adding an assignment test and submittals. Those whose evaluation is less than 60 points may take a follow-up examination upon request. Those who are approved to acquire credits as a result of the follow-up examination shall receive 60 points.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st ”Okagami”’Osyukubai’① You can read the text correctly. You can explain the meaning of an archaic word.
2nd ”Okagami”’Osyukubai’② You can explain from whom to whom respect is expressed for the honorific language in the conversation.
3rd ”Okagami”’Osyukubai’③ You can explain the difference in the whole story of the incident by comparing the Kotobagaki of "Shuishu" with "Okagami".
4th Osamu Kanamori : "Kono Syunkan wo Rekishi ni Kizamu" ① You can explain the difference between "science" and "history."
5th Osamu Kanamori : "Kono Syunkan wo Rekishi ni Kizamu" ② You can explain what "history" is.
6th Osamu Kanamori : "Kono Syunkan wo Rekishi ni Kizamu" ③ You can explain why "history" is important in "science".
7th Second semester midterm exam You check your level of understanding about the contents of learning in the first half of the second semester and you can get more than 60 points.
8th Returning and Explaining the Mid-term Exam/Noya Shigeki"Neko wa Kokai suruka"① You can check the level of understanding of the contents of learning in the first half of the second semester and correct the lack of understanding by yourself./You can read the kanji in the text correctly.
4th Quarter
9th Noya Shigeki"Neko wa Kokai suruka"② You can explain the meaning of the phrase in the text. You can explain why it is not "contradiction" when it says "Where is the contradiction?" You can explain what "problem" is when it says "Here is the root of the problem."
10th Noya Shigeki"Neko wa Kokai suruka"③ You say, "If the world had not been segmented, counterfactual thinking would have been impossible." You can explain why. You say, "In order for the world to be segmented, a logical space must exist." You can explain why.
11th Noya Shigeki"Neko wa Kokai suruka"④ You can explain what it's like to say, "Language is also a part of reality." You can explain what it's like to say, "Air vibrations, ink stains, and chunks of vinyl chloride."
12th Kan Pi Shi "Immortal's Medicine" ① You can explain the meanings of the phrases of question' Ka', messenger' woshite Shimu' and comparison' Shikazu'.
13th Kan Pi Shi "Immortal's Medicine" ②/"Kidenroku" ' Baiyu-o'① You can explain why the Elixir of Immortality becomes the Elixir of Death.
You can explain the meanings of the following phrases : limited to' Tada~nomi,' antonym to' Mata~zuya,' doubtful to'Ka,' and' Izukunzo.'
14th "Kidenroku" ' Baiyu-o'② You can explain why "Kousyuku" laughed.
15th Year-end exam You can check your level of understanding about the content of learning in the latter half of the second semester and get more than 60 points.
16th Return of end-of-school exam papers, explanations, and class questionnaires You can check the level of understanding of the content of learning in the latter half of the second semester and correct the part of lack of understanding by yourself.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

Basic Proficiency40101060
Specialized Proficiency205530
Cross Area Proficiency100010