TOEIC English Ⅱ


学校 東京工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 TOEIC English Ⅱ
科目番号 00180 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 電気工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 「Before-After Practice for the TOEIC L&R Test」(センゲージ・ラーニング)、「TOEIC L&R Test 出る問特急 金の文法」(朝日新聞出版)、
「Genius 総合英語」(大修館書店)、「The 1500 Core Vocabulary for the TOEIC Test」(成美堂)
担当教員 横溝 仁,長橋 雅俊




評価項目2授業で扱ったListeningセクションの問題を8割程度正解でき、また初中級レベルの日常英会話において、話者の発言内容を8割程度正確に聞きとることができる。授業で扱ったListeningセクションの問題を8割程度正解でき、また初中級レベルの日常英会話において、話者の発言内容を7割程度正確に聞きとることができる。授業で扱ったListeningセクションの問題を6割程度正解でき、また初中級レベルの日常英会話において、話者の発言内容を6割程度正確に聞きとることができる。授業で扱ったListeningセクションの問題正答率が 6割を下回り、既習の英文法知識が定着していない。また初中級レベルの日常英会話において、話者の発言内容の6割程度を聞き取ることができない。



・実践的な演習を通じてTOEIC の試験形式に慣れ、スコアアップにつなげる。
・指定テキストを中心に演習を行う。隔週で模擬形式のテスト(Before/After Test)を実施し、本番の時間感覚を身につける。


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction: 講義概要の説明
Pre-term Test
2週 Unit 7 Before Test for Listening Section (p.71)
Unit 7 Analysis for Part 1 to 4 (pp.72-77)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: Scene with luggage
Part 2: < What/How/When are you + present participle > questions to ask about future plans
Part 3: Talking about an award ceremony at work
Part 4: Recorded telephone message regarding a business trip
3週 Quiz 1 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 7 After Test (p.78) & Review
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: Scene with luggage
Part 2: < What/How/When are you + present participle > questions to ask about future plans
Part 3: Talking about an award ceremony at work
Part 4: Recorded telephone message regarding a business trip
4週 Unit 8 Before Test for Reading Section (pp.79-80)
Unit 8 Analysis for Part 5 to 7 (pp.81-84)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: passive voice, vocabulary (noun), < so + adjective + that >
Part 6: Part of a manual for office equipment
Part 7: Text message chain regarding meeting visitors from abroad
5週 Quiz 2 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 8 After Test (pp.85-86) & Review
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: passive voice, vocabulary (noun), < so + adjective + that >
Part 6: Part of a manual for office equipment
Part 7: Text message chain regarding meeting visitors from abroad
6週 Unit 9 Before Test for Listening Section (p.87)
Unit 9 Analysis for Part 1 to 4 (pp. 88-93)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: Scene in a supermarket
Part 2: Questions related to cost
Part 3: Shopper asking for service (e.g., gift wrapping) in a shop
Part 4: Talk at the start of a business meeting regarding arrangements for a business show
7週 Quiz 3 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 9 After Test (p.94) & Review, Preparation for the Mid-term exam
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: Scene in a supermarket
Part 2: Questions related to cost
Part 3: Shopper asking for service (e.g., gift wrapping) in a shop
Part 4: Talk at the start of a business meeting regarding arrangements for a business show
8週 Mid-term Exam
9週 Giving back Test papers
Unit 10 Before Test for Reading Section (pp. 95-96)
Unit 10 Analysis for Part 5 to 7 (pp.97-100)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: present perfect, personal pronoun, preposition
Part 6: Tour advertisement
Part 7: Invitation letter
10週 Quiz 4 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 10 After Test for Reading Section (pp.101-102) & Review
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: present perfect, personal pronoun, preposition
Part 6: Tour advertisement
Part 7: Invitation letter
11週 Unit 11 Before Test for Listening Section (p.103)
Unit 11 Analysis for Part 1 to 4 (pp.104-109)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: A worker working outside
Part 2: < Would you like ...? > questions
Part 3: Making an arrangement for visitors to company
Part 4: Office presentation―external company promotes a system
12週 Quiz 5 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 11 After Test (p.110) & Review
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 1: A worker working outside
Part 2: ( Would you like ...? ) questions
Part 3: Making an arrangement for visitors to company
Part 4: Office presentation―external company promotes a system
13週 Unit 12 Before Test for Reading Section (pp.111-113)
Unit 12 Analysis for Part 5 to 7 (pp.114-118)
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: (either + is/are), transitive verb, vocabulary (noun)
Part 6: Notice of changes to service charge
Part 7: Job advertisement/application letter
14週 Quiz 6 (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Unit 12 After Test (pp.119-120) & Review
Can handle the TOEIC-based-questions with in mind the following key points/cases in the textbook:
Part 5: (either + is/are), transitive verb, vocabulary (noun)
Part 6: Notice of changes to service charge
Part 7: Job advertisement/application letter
15週 Review & Preparation for the Final Exam
16週 Final Exam



