

学校 鹿児島工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 英語ⅤA(3)
科目番号 0137 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 電気電子工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 前期:2
教科書/教材 Contemporary Topics (21st Century Skills for Academic success
担当教員 アニス ウル・レーマン


The course aims to provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing 21st century academic skills.

(i) develop good listening and discussion skills to converse with peers effectively

(ii) enhance critical thinking and study skills

(iii) enhance technical communication skills

(iv) develop skills organizing and presenting effective interactive presentations effectively


評価項目1Students are able to converse with other students (local and foreigners) fluently.Students can converse with others.Students are not able to converse with others (local and foreigners).
評価項目2Students are able to write technical reports effectively and make oral communication with their classmates and teacher smoothly.Students can write reports and make oral communication with their classmates.Students are not able to write reports and make oral communication with their teacher and classmates.
評価項目3Students are able to make oral presentations effectively.Students can make oral presentations.Students are not able to make presentaions.
評価項目4Students are able make technical communication effectivelyStudents can make technical communicationStudents are not able to make technical communication



This course will emphasize on listening, critical thinking, technical writing, discussion and oral presentation skills.
Students will be expected to
1) develop good listening and discussion habits to express themselves in a foreign language
2) enhance their critical thinking and study skills
3)improve their technical writing; information or ideas on abstract and concrete topics required as 21st century academic skills
4) polish their oral communication skills; organize and give effective interactive presentations
Students will be expected to try to express themselves freely, be a team player, take part in discussions, and improve their oral communications skills.
In addition, students will be required to attend : (Lecture(90min)+ Self-study(60min)〕×15 times


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Orientation (Introduction to the course) □ To understand course goals
2週 Unit 1 : Personal information □ To be able to introduce themselves
□ To understand importance of happiness
3週 Unit 1 : Agreeing, disagreeing □ To be able to share their thoughts
□ Discuss how to be happier
4週 Unit 2: Asking for opinions and ideas □ To be able to present on learning a language
□ To share their thoughts with audience
5週 Unit 2: Asking for opinions and ideas □ To be able to present on learning a language
□ To share their thoughts with audience
6週 Communication Skills □ To be able to plan activities
□ To understand communication used for volunteer works
7週 Unit 3: Importance of sleep □ To be able to understand the importance of sleep
□ To be able to talk about sleep
8週 Unit 3: Importance of sleep □ To be able to understand the importance of sleep
□ To be able to talk about sleep
9週 Technical Writing: Proposal writing □ To be able to use technical writing
□ To understand steps to writing
10週 Unit 4: Negotiating for success □ To be able to express their opinions
□ To present on the topic at a comfortable speed
11週 Effective Presentations □ To be able to give presentations
□ To understand importance of presentations
12週 Unit 6: Engineering □ To be able to discuss about engineering
□ To be able to present on robots
13週 Unit 6: Engineering □ To be able to discuss about engineering
□ To be able to present on robots
14週 Group Work/ rehearsal □ To be able to be a team player and a team leader
□ To rehearse presentations
15週 After oral presentation review □ To learn their weak points
□ To review the course in a nutshell




試験Oral presentationTechnical report態度ポートフォリオその他合計