

学校 釧路工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0063 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 電気工学分野 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Textbook: Just talk Kurt Scheibner David Martin (EFL Press)        References: Practical English Usage Michael Swan (Oxford Univ. Press)English Vocabulary in Use McCarthy+O'Dell(Cambridge Univ. Press)    Conversation Rob Nolasco+Lois Arthur (Oxford Univ. Press)
担当教員 林 幸利,エリック ローズ


By helping students gain confidence in their English ability and introduce them to English as it is used in the real world, they are able to have good communication.


評価項目1 To be able to enjoy natural conversation in English.To be able to enjoy conversation in English if given some hints or suggestion.Not to be able to continue conversation in English if given some hints of suggestion.


学習・教育到達度目標 F 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


We will use the text at times and we will free speak at times. You will learn new words and be introduced to English as it is used in the real world.
・Your participation will be required. Sleeping is absolutely prohibited. At times you will have to speak in front of other people. Being overly shy will not help you in this class. Most students find this class very fun.   
・Passing criteria is 60% of the oral and paper test. And final grade is the total of the oral and paper test 70% and in-class attitude and participation 30%. When the retest, passing criteria is 60%.                                                                    
・This is a long class, but I will try to make it fun for you. I want you to help me make it enjoyable.
・3rd year English is relevant to this class.
・Yes you can!  If you believe you can then you can! Just relax and do your best.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Unit 1: Wh- and Yes/No questions; simple present To talk about personal preferences and family
2週 Unit 2:simple present; adverbs of frequency; subject-verb agreement: pronous (1) To talk about hablts
3週 Unit 2:simple present; adverbs of frequency; subject-verb agreement: pronous (2) To talk about hablts
4週 Unit 3: simple present (1) To talk about jobs
5週 Unit 3: simple present (2) To talk about jobs
6週 Unit 4: present perfect; simple past vs present perfect; adverbs of frequency (1) To talk and ask about experiences
7週 Unit 4: present perfect; simple past vs present perfect; adverbs of frequency (2) To talk and ask about experiences
8週 前期中間試験を実施しない
9週 Unit 5: can & can't; I'd rather…; Let's …; present perfect To talk about sports and abilities
10週 Unit 6: simple past; Wh-and Yes/No qestions; short responses; time expressions (1) To give reasons
11週 Unit 6: simple past; Wh-and Yes/No qestions; short responses; time expressions (2) To give reasons
12週 Unit 7: simple past; cause & effect: too much & not enough (1) To talk about sickness
13週 Unit 7: simple past; cause & effect: too much & not enough (2) To talk about sickness
14週 Unit 8: future; be going to ; have to; time expressions (1) To talk about future events and to make invitations and appointments
15週 Unit 8: future; be going to ; have to; time expressions (2) To talk about future events and to make invitations and appointments
16週 前期期末試験を実施する
1週 Unit 9 : simple past; reported speech; adverbs (1) To talk about experiences and to tell a story
2週 Unit 9 : simple past; reported speech; adverbs (2) To talk about experiences and to tell a story
3週 Unit 10 : future: will; Wh- and Yes/No questions (1) To talk about weather and travel
4週 Unit 10 : future: will; Wh- and Yes/No questions (2) To talk about weather and travel
5週 Unit 11: polite modals; requests; offers; adjectives (1) To make requests, make offers, give reasons and order at a restaurant
6週 Unit 11: polite modals; requests; offers; adjectives (2) To make requests, make offers, give reasons and order at a restaurant
7週 Unit 12 : second conditionals; I'd rather… ; I'd prefer … To talk about love & romance
8週 後期中間試験を実施しない
9週 Unit 13 : short responces with either, neither, so, too; verb agreement (1) To talk about likes / dislides and to react and respond to someone
10週 Unit 13 : short responces with either, neither, so, too; verb agreement (2) To talk about likes / dislides and to react and respond to someone
11週 Unit 14 : adjectives to describe feelings and emotions; You look…; syllable stress word stress (1) To express and describe feelings and emotions, and talking about experiences
12週 Unit 14 : adjectives to describe feelings and emotions; You look…; syllable stress word stress (2) To express and describe feelings and emotions, and talking about experiences
13週 Unit 15 : past progressive ; time expressions (1) To talk about past events and give excuses
14週 Unit 15 : past progressive ; time expressions (2) To talk about past events and give excuses
15週 Unit 16 : simple past; present perfect; cause & effect To talk about accidents & injuries and parts of the body
16週 後期期末試験を実施する



