

学校 佐世保工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0073 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 電気電子工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 前期:2 後期:2
教科書/教材 Smart Choice Level 2, Oxford University Press
担当教員 ジェイ ストッカー


1. Students can recognize and mimic American Conversational English pronunciation, slang, idioms, and colloquial expressions. (C-3)
2. Students can find appropriate topics to start conversation. (C-3)
3. Students can understand the meaning and start to pay attention to contexual information. (C-3)
4. Students can engage in comprehension check by themselves if they are not sure the content of the message. (C-3)
5. Students can carry out conversation for a while without much trouble. (C-3)





This communication class will help students to improve English through a variety of conversational tasks. Grammatical structure will be given with its meaning by linking them with appropriate social language and context.
予備知識: Students are expected to know how to start daily conversation and to carry out easy verbal interaction without much trouble.  講義室:LL教室   授業形式:講義と演習   学生が用意するもの」テキスト・配布プリント
評価方法: 20% quizzes, 20% In class activities, 60% midterm and final exams  自己学習の指針: Using textbooks, students are expected to engage in review and preview of what they learn. Students are expected to worl on their assignments Students are expected to study on their own as many hours as classes. オフィスアワー:授業の前後、または個別に指定された時間(英語科森下へ連絡) *授業計画における中間試験実施週に関しては、予定より早まる場合があります。その際は、授業の中で連絡をします。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Introduction Students can understand what the course is about and what they are expected to do.
2週 Unit1:How was your vacation? Students can talk about things to do on vacations.
3週 Unit 1: Students can talk about things to do on vacatioon.
4週 Unit 2: I think it is exciting! Students can express their opinions about movies and music.
5週 Unit 2: Students can express their opinions about movies and music.
6週 Unit 3:Do it before you're 30! Students can talk about their personal experiences.
7週 Unit 3: Students can talk about their personal experiences.
8週 Midterm Examination In class test
9週 Unit 4: The best place in the world! Students can describle places and
geographical features.
10週 Unit 4: Students can describe places and geographical features.
11週 Unit 5: Where's the party? Students can talk about special events and celebrations.
12週 Unit 5: Students can talk about special events and celebrations.
13週 Unit 6: You should try it! Students can make suggestions and recommendations, and talk about obligations.
14週 Unit 6: Students can make suggestions and recommendations, and talk about obligations.
15週 Final Examination In class test
1週 Unit 7: There are too many stores! Students can make compliants while shopping.
2週 Unit 7: Students can make compliants while shopping.
3週 Unit 8:I like guys who are smart. Students can describe the appearance and personality of people they know.
4週 Unit 8: Students can describe the appearance and personality of people they know.
5週 Unit 9: What are you doing? Students can make reports about accidents and injuries.
6週 Unit 9: Students can make reports about accidents and injuries.
7週 Review Students will be expected to review what they have learned so far and get cought up on homework.
8週 Midterm Examination In class test
9週 Unit 10: It must be an earthquake! Students can talk about extreme natural events and speculate about future weather.
10週 Unit 10: Students can talk about ectreme natural events and speculate about future weather.
11週 Unit 11: I used to sing. Students can talk about school activities and past habits.
12週 Unit 11: Students can talk about school activities and past habits.
13週 Unit 12: Living in a pyramid. Stdeunts can talk about housing options and places to live.
14週 Unit 12: Students can talk about housing options and places to live.
15週 Final-term Examination In class test

