

学校 函館工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 英語演習Ⅱ
科目番号 0197 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 社会基盤工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 World Link 2, fourth edition with online pratcice and students's eBook. National Geographic Learning
担当教員 デイヴィッド タケ


1) To develop critical thinking using authentic materials
2) To understand and discuss global and modern topics in English
3) To review and consolidate what the vocabulary and syntax acquired during the previous years


評価項目1 Students are able to develop critical thinking using authentic materialsStudents are somewhat able to develop critical thinking using authentic materialsStudents are not able able to develop critical thinking using authentic materials
評価項目2 Students are able to understand and discuss global and modern topics in English Students are somewhat able to understand and discuss global and modern topics in English Students are not able to understand and discuss global and modern topics in English
評価項目3 Students are able to review and consolidate what the vocabulary and syntax acquired during the previous yearsStudents are somewhat able to review and consolidate what the vocabulary and syntax acquired during the previous yearsStudents are not able to review and consolidate what the vocabulary and syntax acquired during the previous years


函館高専教育目標 E 説明 閉じる


As the last English class students will in the regular course in this college, we will try to make good use of all the skills previously acquired during the 5 years here. Rather than teach language, we will focus on global issues that our world is facing right now. Students will be asked to show critical thinking by analyzing situations and offering ideas and solutions. Group work will play an important role in this lesson.
1. Even if you feel shy, please try and speak as much as possible, especially when in groups.
2. You must always bring the textbook and an electronic or paper dict
3. Feel free to come to my office to practice English conversation about anything you want
4. Student will have access to e-Learning to prepare for lessons. It can be accessed on PC or smartphones.
In this class, we will use English as the main language for teaching in learning. Students may feel shy, or discouraged at first but if you hold on and do your best, you will understand that English is not hard, and it is very fun.
Depending on the progress of the class, and general level of students, and other circumstances the syllabus may be modified. Also, in case of online classes, students are expected to have the same level of engagement and seriousness as for in-person classes.
As students will be continuously working on the the online activities and the written report, there will be no mid-term test.

JABEE教育到達目標評価: Test 30%(E-4),Online activities 30%(E-4), report 40%(E-4)
自学自習の成果は [科目別の評価方法] によって評価する。


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduce textbook and study tools
Unit 1A
We will review self-introductions. Student will describe relationships, and think how English is influencing their lives.
2週 Unit 1 B
We will continue unit 1, and focus on output.
3週 Unit 2 Discuss ways to stay healthy, while talking about food and habits.
4週 Unit 3 Learn how to state things and describe what is happening around us. We will also work on modals (may, might,could etc...)
5週 Special lesson 1
We will kickstart the written report: advice, brainstorm, and start writing.
6週 Unit 4 We will discuss shopping, trends, and learn how to give advice to others
7週 Unit 5 Students will review daily activities, tasks, chores, and errands
8週 Special lesson 2 Student will continue working on their written report and discuss their progress with their partners
9週 Unit 6
We will discuss life in general, and life after school in particular.
10週 Unit 7 We will talk about celebrations around the world, and how to express agreement and disagreement.
11週 Unit 8A +Urban legends video We will discuss fairy tales, and other stories. We will also watch a video about urban legends from around the world.
12週 Unit 8B We will finish the lessons by creating a short story.
13週 Essay special lesson 3 Students will finalize their reports and be ready to submit them
14週 Test Review
Online activities
To be able to review for the upcoming test
15週 End of term test
16週 Summary of the lesson and advice To be able to understand the mistakes made during the test and plan for better scores on the next.




TestOnline activitiesReportその他合計