

学校 大分工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成29年度 (2017年度)
授業科目 英語特論Ⅲ
科目番号 1450 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 情報工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 使用しません。プリントを配布します。
担当教員 篠﨑 モニカ


(1) Students will be able to read and write better through the reading of news articles related to technology (exams and homework).
(2) Students will be more confident and sophisticated in their presentations (presentations).
(3) Students will improve their oral communication skill (in-class work and presentations).


(1) Students will be able to read and write better through the reading of news articles related to technology.To be able to comprehend and respond to the articles in accurate English.To be able to comprehend and respond to the articles in adequate English.Unable to comprehend and respond to the articles.
(2) Students will be more confident and sophisticated in their presentations.To be able to give an interesting and clear presentation that shows confidence and sophistication.To be able to give a clear presentation.Unable to give a clear presentation, showing a lack of prepartaion.
(3) Students will improve their oral communication skill.To be able to actively participate in class.To be able to adequately participate in class.Unable to participate in class.


論理的な記述力,口頭発表力,討議等のコミュニケーション能力 JABEE基準1(2)(f) 説明 閉じる
英語を用いてコミュニケーションできる力を身につける 大分高専学習教育目標(C2) 説明 閉じる


This course aims to develop the students' comprehension and writing skills through reading news articles that are related to technology. They will also be required to make presentations on what they have read. In addition, oral communication skills are fostered through activities introduced in the lessons.
Evaluation will be based on written exams and presentations (80%), and written work (20%). Passing score: 60%. Make-up tests: allowed.
Students are expected to use English in class, participate actively and not worry about making mistakes.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Google starts one dollar charity app(1) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
2週 Google starts one dollar charity app(2) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
3週 Robots smarter than humans by 2029(1) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
4週 Robots smarter than humans by 2029(2) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
5週 Amazon testing drone delivery service(1) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
6週 Amazon testing drone delivery service(2) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
7週 Presentations: individual presentations To be able to give an interesting presentation that is clear and engaging.
8週 New paint to say good-byes to car washes (1) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article.
9週 後期中間試験
10週 後期中間試験の解答と解説 To realize and correct the mistakes made in the mid-term exam.
11週 New paint to say good-byes to car washes(2) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article
12週 New devices can smell bombs and diseases (1) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article
13週 New devices can smell bombs and diseases (2) To be able to read, write and communicate better through the reading and discussion of the article
14週 Presentations: individual presentations To be able to give an interesting presentation that shows confidence and sophistication.
15週 後期期末試験
16週 後期期末試験の解答と解説 To realize and correct the mistakes made in the mid-term exam.



