

学校 群馬工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 英語表現
科目番号 1A045 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 一般教育 対象学年 1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Textbook:Now You're Talking! Second Edition:Chris Elvin:EFL Press
担当教員 リップル クリフォード


Students can understand the basics of spoken English, and make attempts to improve.
Students can communicate in English regardless of proficiency level.
Students can write simple sentences in English.
Students can make effort to understand English not immediately known to them.


評価項目1Students are able to understand the textbook and written assignments accurately.Students are able to adequately understand the textbook and written assignments.Students are not able to understand the textbook and written assignments adequately.
評価項目2Students are able to express themselves confidently and make earnest effort to improve further.Students are able to express themselves though are sometimes hesitant to speak.Students are not able to express themselves, nor is any effort spent towards improvement.
評価項目3Students seek every possible opportunity to use English in the classroom activities.Students make a moderate effort to use English in the classroom activities.Students make minimal to no effort in using English in the classroom activities.



The students will be learning common conversational phrases with basic grammar, and appropriate vocabulary from the textbook. In addition, they will stretch their English writing ability in creative writing. Learning to be flexible in their thinking no matter the language. Practicing their presentation skills in small increments leading up to a larger presentation second term.
Most classes will have textbook work with phrases and vocabulary that will involve Individual work, pair-work, group-work. Some classes supplement the textbook learning with listening challenges to help become familiar with the textbook vocabulary and phrases. Most classes will also include creative class activities, where the students express thoughts and ideas in written English. Exams given cover all materials done in class, textbook and written activities (non-textbook).
Please study the new vocabulary from the Units each week for exams and to use in activities, and in daily conversation.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction/Orientation. Self work - pre reading of next week’s Unit. Creative worksheet. Understanding of school and class rules. Ability to self introduce under time constraint. Highlighting most important and interesting information.
2週 Unit 5 (How often do you exercise?) Continue unit. Group activity - build a story worksheet. Adverbs of frequency. Creative writing kept simple.
3週 Unit 5 (How often do you exercise?) Continue unit. Group presentation - stories. Adverbs of frequency. Simple present.
4週 Unit 5 (How often do you exercise?) Finish unit. Creative worksheet (individual). Adverbs of frequency. Idea gathering.
5週 Unit 6 (Time for trivia!) Start of unit. Unit worksheet. Groups Short Story Presentation Summary Worksheet for self study. Wh- questions with usually. Analyzing sentences.
6週 Unit 6 (Time for trivia!) Continue unit. Unit worksheet part 2. Worksheet (group) - planning of presentation. Comfortable with time and numbers.
7週 Unit 6 (Time for trivia!) Finish unit. Explain sections of test, and prepare for exam. Worksheet (group) - continue. Time and numbers. Review and study.
8週 Midterm Exam includes material from Unit 5 and Unit 6. Material from creative worksheets, story presentation summary worksheet and work done in class. Problem solving.
9週 Pass back of Exam. Answers, and explaining. Preparation of group presentation speeches. Fact gathering. Creative writing.
10週 Unit 7 (What does she look like?) Start of unit. Preparation of group presentation speeches. Present progressive. Creative writing, translation, and practice.
11週 Group Presentation Day. Speeches. Public speaking practice.
12週 Group Presentations Day. Speeches. Unit 7 (What does she look like?) Continue unit. Creative worksheet. Public speaking practice.
13週 Unit 7 (What does she look like?) Finish unit. Unit practice worksheet. Present progressive.
14週 Unit worksheet part 2. Group Presentation Summary Worksheet for in preparation for final exam. Involves self study and/or group work.Review Group Pres. Summary Worksheet with answers. Explain sections of test. Vocabulary worksheet and prepare for Exam. Fact gathering/researching. Review and study.
15週 Final Exam includes material from Unit 5, 6, and 7. Material from creative worksheets, group presentation summary worksheet, and work done in class. Problem solving.
16週 Return the final exam. Review the exam.




Midterm ExamFinal ExamAssignments and/or Presentation合計