

学校 高知工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 テクニカルライティングⅠ
科目番号 T4038 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義・演習 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 SD 新素材・生命コース 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Effective Academic Writing, Second Edition, Rhonda Liss, Jason Davis, Oxford University Press
担当教員 ガイン デニス


Engineers require English the reading skills to effectively read technical written content. Moreover, to read and write technical content effectively, it is necessary to be able to evaluate style and structure of your own writing. This course is an introduction to ideas about writing technical content and of analyzing it by the student. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to write a structured publishable essay and/or abstract.


Ideal Level of AchievementStandard Level of AchievementInsufficient Level of Achievement
Writing and readabilityWriting is effective and accurate at CEF B1-B2 level. Writing is accurate at CEF B1 level with some room for improvement. Writing is incoherent or at a level below CEF B1.


学習・教育到達度目標 (D) 説明 閉じる


This course is an introduction to technical writing and will be team-taught in English and Japanese. While English and Japanese content will complement each other, the English part of the course will put little emphasis on reviewing pretaught grammar, and will mainly focus on teaching and developing strategies to turn ideas into logical text.
- In the first quarter, students will learn applications of technical writing, read and understand technical instructions as found in manuals, and give instructions in writing on a selected technical topic. No textbook in the first quarter.
- In the second quarter, students will learn how to organize a technical research paper and essay.
- In the thrird quarter, students will learn strategies about how to improve unity and coherence of their writing.
- In the final quarter, students will learn strategies to edit their own technical writing.
Exercises for this course are in the book and will also be provided in class by the instructor. Students will produce written work in the form of technical and non-technical essays.
Due to the large number of students the class will be conducted mainly through lectures, which will, however, provide ample room for individual, pair and group work. Students will be given the opportunity to send samples of produced writing during class to the instructor for instand in-class feedback.
Tests will make up 60%, homework and reports 30%, and in-class activities and participation 10% of the final grade.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction to the course Becoming familiar with content, goals and structure of the course. Introduction to the basics of Technical writing.
2週 Giving technical Instructions Review of basics of Technical Writing.
Learn how to give technical instructions.
3週 Giving technical Instructions Giving technical instructions. Assembly of a bicycle.
4週 Giving technical Instructions Giving technical instructions. How to operate functions in a car.
5週 Essay and research paper organization Learn the components of an essay/research paper. The Introduction: hook, background information, thesis statement
6週 Essay and research paper organization Learn the components of an essay/research paper. The body paragraph: topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence
7週 Essay and research paper organization Learn the components of an essay/research paper. The Conclusion: Types of closing arguments
8週 2nd Semester mid-term test
9週 Essay and research paper organization Review essay/research paper organization
10週 Learn about the meaning of unity and coherence Learn the meaning of unity: paragraph unity and essay unity
11週 Learn about the meaning of unity and coherence Learn the meaning of coherence: Transitions
Announcement of Homework: Write a fully essay
12週 Learn about the meaning of unity and coherence Learn the meaning of coherence: Transitions, ordering ideas, pronouns, and parallel forms
13週 Learn about editing of writing Learn the meaning of main (independent) and dependent clauses.
14週 Learn about editing of writing Learn the meaning of run-on sentences and identify them.
Announcement of Homework: Write a technical essay
15週 Learn about editing of writing Learn the meaning of sentence fragments and verb tense consistency.
16週 2nd semester end-term test Test




ExamReports and houseworkIn-class participation合計
Basic Ability603010100