

学校 苫小牧工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 第二外国語B
科目番号 116971 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 機械工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 後期 週時間数 後期:3
教科書/教材 Material of several textbooks combined. Material will be provided at the beginning of each lesson
担当教員 Andrea Hatakeyama


1. Based on grammar understanding and interacting in simple conversations.
2. Being able to read and understand simple text and short stories.
3. Being able to write short statements and text listening to a dictation.


評価項目1Understanding and using grammar very properly. Understanding and using grammar properly. Understanding and using grammar not properly.
評価項目2Understanding simple conversation and narration. Understanding very simple conversation and narration. Not understanding very simple conversation and narration.
評価項目3Understanding the contents of a text very properly. Understanding the contents of a text properly. Not understanding the contents of a text properly.



Aim to give an understanding of basic German by developing the ability to read, write, listen and speak.
Basic grammar will be taught and reviewed in class. Small assignments in form of homework and tests will be given to check on understanding. Dictations will be done to improve reading, writing and listening.
Spoken German will be practiced using small conversations at the beginning of each lesson and in role plays.
Students should participate observantly, take notes and ask questions. Reading aloud is an important part in class and the aim is to give every student a chance to read. Listening will be practiced by using the textbook included CD. Students will be advised to take advantage of the CD and material from the internet to listen to German.
From time to time a small test and dictation will be done to check on understanding.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction, Alphabet, pronounciation, Numbers
Alphabet recognition
2週 1.Hello / Greetings
1-1 Self-introduction
1-2 Sie / du
1-3 Weekdays and month
Being able to greet and address someone correctly
3週 2. Personal pronouns, verbs, word order
2-1 Personal info, yes/no questions
2-2 Recognizing key sentences
Asking and answering simple question.
Wh – questions and recognizing sentence structure
4週 3.Denial with `nicht`
3-1 Irregular verbs
3-2 Using nicht structure
Being able to create complex sentence structures.
Express situations correctly using the word `nicht`
5週 3.Denial with `nicht`
3-1 Irregular verbs
3-2 Using nicht structure
Being able to create complex sentence structures.
Express situations correctly using the word `nicht`
6週 4.Nouns and articles
4-1 Definite articles
4-2 Indefinite articles
4-3 Negative article
Understanding definite articles (der, die, das), indefinite articles (ein, eine), negative articles (kein, keine) and nouns as well as articles and plural nouns
7週 4.Nouns and articles
4-1 Definite articles
4-2 Indefinite articles
4-3 Negative article
Understanding definite articles (der, die, das), indefinite articles (ein, eine), negative articles (kein, keine) and nouns as well as articles and plural nouns
8週 5. Possessive articles
5-1 Auxiliary verbs 1
5-2 Possessives and nouns
Being able to use numbers in daily situations.
Auxiliary verbs koennen, wollen, werden combined with regular verbs. Usage of possessive articles and nouns.
9週 5. Possessive articles
5-1 Auxiliary verbs 1
5-2 Possessives and nouns
Being able to use numbers in daily situations.
Auxiliary verbs koennen, wollen, werden combined with regular verbs. Usage of possessive articles and nouns.
10週 Midterm exam
11週 6. Time, variation of verbs
6-1 24 hours telling time
6-2 Different verb groups
Reading and telling time in daily life.
Recognizing regular, irregular, aixiliary and separable verbs
12週 7. Compare Liking something, liking something else better
13週 8. Adjective
Change of adjective depending on article
Being able to describe things and people
Compare with others, talk about likes
14週 9. Family Introducing close family members
15週 10.Review and connect
Being able to put all pieces together and listen, read and write German.
16週 Endterm exam



