

学校 明石工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 英会話Ⅰ
科目番号 4309 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 都市システム工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Speak Now 3 - Communicate with Confidence - Student's Book with Online Practice by Jack C. Richards and David Bohlke (Oxford University Press)
担当教員 ハーバート ジョン


1) 聞き手に伝わるよう、句・文における基本的なリズムやイントネーション、音のつながりに配慮して、音読あるいは発話できる。
2) 明瞭で聞き手に伝わるような発話ができるよう、英語の発音・アクセントの規則を習得して適切に運用できる。
3) 中学で既習の語彙の定着を図り、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた新出語彙、及び専門教育に必要となる英語専門用語を習得して適切に運用できる。
4) 中学で既習の文法や文構造に加え、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた文法や文構造を習得して適切に運用できる。
5) 日常生活や身近な話題に関して、毎分100語程度の速度ではっきりとした発音で話された内容から必要な情報を聞きとることができる。
6) 日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を基本的な表現を用いて英語で話すことができる。                
7) 説明や物語などの文章を毎分100語程度の速度で聞き手に伝わるように発話できる。


評価項目1 発音Clear pronunciation and natural intonationUnderstandable pronunciation and recognizable intonation Poor pronunciation using only Japanese katakana to try to speak English and flat intonation
評価項目2 発音Natural accent, stress, and rhythmUnderstandable accent, stress, and rhythmIncomprehensible accent, stress, rhythm
評価項目3 語彙Mastery of all textbook vocabularyMastery of most of the textbook vocabulary which the teacher focused on in class lecturesMastery of only a few of the textbook vocabulary which the teacher focused on in class lectures
評価項目4 文法及び構文Mastery of all the grammar from the textbook and from the teacher's lecturesMastery of most of the grammar from the textbook and from the teacher's lecturesMastery of only some of the grammar from the textbook and from the teacher's lectures
評価項目5 英語コミュニケーションAble to maintain a basic conversation fluentlyAble to maintain a basic conversation somewhat fluentlyNot able to maintain a basic conversation
評価項目6 英語コミュニケーションAble to express opinions in English clearlyAble to express opinions in English somewhat clearlyNot able to express opinions in English
評価項目7 英語コミュニケーションAble to explain ideas fluently in EnglishAble to explain ideas somewhat fluently in EnglishNot able to explain ideas in English



合格の対象としない欠席条件(割合) 1/4以上の欠課


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Orientation and Introduction to the Online Homework LMS, "Oxford Learn"
Textbook Lessons 1&2: Talking About People (Part One)
Discussing personality types
Describe people in English.
Stress important words.
2週 Textbook Lessons 3&4: Talking About People (Part Two)
Describing differences and similarities between people
Learn to interrupt politely and how to return to the topic tactfully.
3週 Review of textbook lessons 1-4
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
4週 Textbook Lessons 5&6: Travel English (Part One)
Checking into a hotel
Link sounds between the ends and beginnings of certain English words.
Check into a hotel smoothly and learn the hotel rules in English.
5週 Textbook Lessons 7&8: Travel English (Part Two)
Dealing with problems at a hotel
Address problems and offer help in English.
6週 Review of textbook lessons 5-8
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speaking Test Practice
Prepare for the 1st Speaking Test.
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
7週 1st Speaking Test
Test partners and conversation prompts will be randomly selected immediately before each test begins.
Make fluent English conversations using the vocabulary and grammar covered in Lessons 1-8 and conversation prompts on pages 11 and 21.
8週 Textbook Lessons 9&10: Errands (Part One)
Talking about things you need to get done
Ask indirect questions.
Point out mistakes politely.
9週 Textbook Lessons 11&12: Errands (Part Two)
Making appointments and making recommendations
Confirm information and appointments.
Make and acknowledge recommendations.
10週 Review of textbook lessons 9-12
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
11週 Textbook Lessons 13&14: Telling Stories (Part One)
Talking about one's childhood
Reporting what others have said
Use the reduced sounds of "used to" and "use to" correctly.
Use reported speech correctly.
12週 Textbook Lessons 15&16: Telling Stories (Part Two)
Talking news and announcements
Use reduced vowel sounds correctly.
Ask for and add new information to an English conversation.
13週 Review of textbook lessons 13-16
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speaking Test Practice
Prepare for the 2nd Speaking Test.
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
14週 2nd Speaking Test
Test partners and conversation prompts will be randomly selected immediately before each test begins.
Make fluent English conversations using the vocabulary and grammar covered in Lessons 9-16 and conversation prompts on pages 31 and 41.
15週 Review of textbook lessons 1-16 Prepare for the Spring End-term Exam
16週 End-term Exam (1st Written Test) on the grammar and vocabulary covered in textbook lessons 1-16. Understand how to use the grammar and vocabulary covered in textbook lessons 1-16 in written conversations.
1週 Textbook Lessons 17&18: Friends (Part One)
Talking about what is important in a friendship
Use proper intonation in reply questions.
Ask about and describe what is important.
2週 Textbook Lessons 19&20: Friends (Part Two)
Making suggestions, offering solutions, and expressing regrets
Use unreleased consonant sounds correctly.
Make positive and negative comments about suggestions.
Express regrets and offer solutions to problems.
3週 Review of textbook lessons 17-20
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
4週 Textbook Lessons 21&22: Business (Part One)
Describing job qualifications
Discussing probability and possibilities
Link the same consonant sounds.
Avoid answering questions.
5週 Textbook Lessons 23&24: Business (Part Two)
Talking about business trends
Explain trends in English.
Ask about what is necessary.
6週 Review of textbook lessons 21-24
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speaking Test Practice
Prepare for the 3rd Speaking Test.
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
7週 3rd Speaking Test
Test partners and conversation prompts will be randomly selected immediately before each test begins.
Make fluent English conversations using the vocabulary and grammar covered in Lessons 17-24 and conversation prompts on pages 51 and 61.
8週 Textbook Lessons 25&26: Culture (Part One)
Talking about customs and cultural expectations
Pause between meaningful language chunks.
Describe expectations and ask what things mean.
9週 Textbook Lessons 27&28: Culture (Part Two)
Talking about consequences and speculating what could happen
Describe consequences.
Speculate with varying degrees of certainty.
10週 Review of textbook lessons 25-28
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
11週 Textbook Lessons 29&30: The Future (Part One)
Making predictions
Use emphatic stress correctly.
Make probable and definite predictions.
12週 Textbook Lessons 31&32: The Future (Part Two)
Talking about plans, goals, and promises
Use stress correctly in two-word verbs.
Discuss plans, goals, and promises.
13週 Review of textbook lessons 29-32
Pronunciation/Intonation Check
Speaking Test Practice
Prepare for the 4th Speaking Test.
Speak with clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
14週 4th Speaking Test
Test partners and conversation prompts will be randomly selected immediately before each test begins.
Make fluent English conversations using the vocabulary and grammar covered in Lessons 25-32 and conversation prompts on pages 71 and 81.
15週 Review of textbook lessons 17-32 Prepare for the final exam.
16週 End-term Exam (2nd Written Test) on the grammar and vocabulary covered in textbook lessons 17-32. Understand how to use the grammar and vocabulary covered in textbook lessons 17-32 in written conversations.




4 Speaking Tests2 Written Tests16 Pronunciation/Intonation Quizzes32 Short Online Homework AssignmentsActive Learning合計
Basic English Communication401032810100