

学校 長岡工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 英語ⅢC
科目番号 0057 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 環境都市工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Textbook title: Tech Talk 1(Elementary)---Author: Vicki Hollett / Tech Talk Workbook / English and Japanese Dictionary / English dictionaries
担当教員 大森 理聡,トッド モールド


(科目コード Course code : 40660) (教科英語名 English name of subject:English IIIC)                ① Students learn technical English which they can use in their working lives.40% (b3)② Students will be able to speak and listen to English in technical situations.30% (b3) ③ Students will be able to feel comfortable with using English in various daily and work situations.30% (b3)


理想的な到達レベルの目安Estimated ideal level標準的な到達レベルの目安Estimated standard level最低限の到達レベルの目安 Estimated minimum achievement level未到達レベルの目安 Estimated unachieved level
評価項目1: Evaluation item 1: VocaburaryStudents learn English words very well which they can use in their lives.Students learn English which they can use in their lives.Students learn English which they can use in their lives in some way.Not at the level shown on the left
評価項目2: Evaluation item 2: SpeakingStudents can speak English in situations.Students will be able to speak English in situations.Students will be able to speak English in situations in some way..Not at the level shown on the left
評価項目3: Evaluation item 3: ListeningStudents can listen to English in situations.Students will be able to speak and listen to English in situations.Students will be able to speak and listen to English in situations in some way.Not at the level shown on the left
評価項目4: Evaluation item 4: UsageStudents can feel comfortable with using English in various daily situationsStudents will be able to feel comfortable with using English in various daily situations.Students will be able to feel comfortable with using English in various daily situations in some way.Not at the level shown on the left



Overview:This course is an introduction to a technical, industrial and scientific English which Kosen graduates will need in their future careers. Students will work through speaking, listening, vocabulary building and grammar activities and follow these up with exercises in the workbook. 〇関連する科目 Related subjects:English IIIA (今年度履修 Course taken this year),Enlgish IIIB(今年度履修 Course taken this year), 英語IIC(前年度履修 Course taken previous year)
How to proceed with the class and the content and method of the class: 次に示す項目・割合で達成目標に対する理解の程度を評価する.50点以上を合格とする.
● 定期試験(0%)● その他の試験(70%)Tests
● その他(30%)Attendance, attitude and participation. Also, workbook and other homework completion.
Points to note when attending classes: If we can give students practice in communicating with technical industrial and social contexts, they will have advantages in both their working careers and personal lives. Having abilities in English is a big plus in the business world today.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Class introduction. Ice breaking activities. To introduce the course goals and methods. To have students learn something new about each other.
2週 Unit 15: Finding out about people. To be able to discuss countries, nationalities and languages.
3週 Unit 15: Finding out about people. To be able to discuss countries, nationalities and languages.
4週 Unit 15: Finding out about people. To be able to discuss countries, nationalities and languages.
5週 Unit 15: Finding out about people. To be able to discuss countries, nationalities and languages.
6週 Unit 16: Asking for help. To be able to ask for help in real life work situations. To be able to express adequate measurements using countable and uncountable nouns.
7週 Test review material learned to date.
8週 Unit 16: Asking for help. To be able to ask for help in real life work situations. To be able to express adequate measurements using countable and uncountable nouns.
9週 Unit 16: Asking for help. To be able to ask for help in real life work situations. To be able to express adequate measurements using countable and uncountable nouns.
10週 Unit 16: Asking for help. To be able to ask for help in real life work situations. To be able to express adequate measurements using countable and uncountable nouns.
11週 Unit 16: Asking for help. To be able to ask for help in real life work situations. To be able to express adequate measurements using countable and uncountable nouns.
12週 Unit 17: Describing directions and getting around. To have the wordss and phrases for traveling and explaining locations.
13週 Unit 17: Describing directions and getting around. To have the wordss and phrases for traveling and explaining locations.
14週 Unit 17: Describing directions and getting around. To have the wordss and phrases for traveling and explaining locations.
15週 Unit 17: Describing directions and getting around. To have the wordss and phrases for traveling and explaining locations.
16週 Test                                 17週Test return review material learned to date.                    17週Test review and discussion
1週 Unit 18: Reading instructions and experimenting. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
2週 Unit 18: Reading instructions and experimenting. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
3週 Unit 18: Reading instructions and experimenting. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
4週 Unit 19: Maintenance and repairs. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
5週 Unit 19: Maintenance and repairs. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
6週 Unit 19: Maintenance and repairs. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
7週 Unit 19: Maintenance and repairs. To be able to explain what needs to be done and to know how to offer help.
8週 Test review material learned to date.
9週 Unit 20: Safety instructions, accidents and conversions To be able to explain safety instructions and what will happen in dangerous situations.
10週 Unit 20: Safety instructions, accidents and conversions To be able to explain safety instructions and what will happen in dangerous situations.
11週 Unit 20: Safety instructions, accidents and conversions To be able to explain safety instructions and what will happen in dangerous situations.
12週 Unit 21: Locating parts and describing inventions. To be able to explain parts in a machine and how inventions work.
13週 Unit 21: Locating parts and describing inventions. To be able to explain parts in a machine and how inventions work.
14週 Unit 21: Locating parts and describing inventions. To be able to explain parts in a machine and how inventions work.
15週 Unit 21: Locating parts and describing inventions. To be able to explain parts in a machine and how inventions work.
16週 Test                                 17週Test return Review material learned to date.                      17週Test review and discussion



