

学校 沖縄工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 実用英語I
科目番号 6001 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 機械システム工学コース 対象学年 専1
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 ・Practical Grammar for the TOEIC Test (南雲堂) ・「速読英単語」必修編(Z会出版)
担当教員 カーマンマコア クイオカラニ,飯島 淑江


This course is designed for students who have basic English skills to improve their practical English skills. The course also aims to help students prepare for TOEIC IP test. 【III-B】


Students should acquire basic vocabulary.Showing almost perfect understanding of vocabulary and scoring more than 90% in the quiz.Showing good understanding of vocabulary and scoring more than 75% in the quiz.Showing good understanding of vocabulary and scoring more than 60% in the quiz.
Students should develop listening and reading skills.Scoring more than 90% in the exam and TOEIC.Scoring more than 75% in the exam and TOEIC.Scoring more than 60% in the exam and TOEIC.
Students should be able to express themselves orally and through written medium in English. Displaying fluent and accurate use of English with good grammar and vocabulary and scoring more than 90% in the exam.Displaying fluent and accurate use of English with a few errors and scoring more than 70% in the exam. Displaying fluent and accurate use of English despite errors and scoring more than 60% in the exam.
Students can understand technical texts/documents in addition to general ones. Read more than 5000 words in a week. Can understand the content about 90%.Read more than 5000 words in a week. Can understand the content about 75%.Read more than 5000 words in a week. Can understand the content about 60%.



This course is designed for students who have basic English skills to improve their practical English skills. The course also aims to help students prepare for TOEIC IP test. 【III-B】
・The course is conducted in English.
・The course book used in lectures focuses on grammar and vocabulary acquisition. Students are required to answer the questions in advance of lecture and revise it after lecture.
・Vocabulary quiz is administered in every lecture. Students are required to prepare for one.
・In order to build reading and listening skills, students are required to read/listen more than 5000 words in a week and keep reading and listening log.
・Based on what they have learned through the course, students are expected to score about 475 for TOEIC IP test, which is administered in the course.
If students had the test in other test centers and scored higher than they did in the test held in the course, they can claim to use the score for the evaluation if they submit the score report by the due date.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Orientation/ TOEIC 1 授業の説明
Unit 1 品詞の種類
2週 TOEIC 2 Quiz #1: 31, 32
Unit 2  動詞(1)
Unit 3  動詞(2)
3週 TOEIC 3 Quiz #2: 33, 34
Unit 4  助動詞
Unit 5 不定詞と動名詞
4週 TOEIC 4 Quiz #3: 35, 36
Unit 6  分詞
Unit 7 形容詞と副詞
5週 TOEIC 5 Quiz #4: 37, 38
Unit 8 前置詞
Unit 9  接続詞
6週 TOEIC 6 Quiz #5: 39, 40
Unit 10 名詞
Unit 11 代名詞
7週 TOEIC 7 Quiz #6: 41, 42
Unit 12 比較
Unit 13 関係詞
8週 Speaking 1 Quiz #7: 43, 44
Topic 1
9週 Speaking 2 Quiz #8: 45, 46
Topic 2
10週 Speaking 3 Quiz #9: 47, 48
Topic 3
11週 Speaking 4 Quiz #10: 49, 50
Topic 4
12週 Speaking 5 Quiz #11: 51, 52
Topic 5
13週 TOEIC IP test TOEIC IP test
14週 Speaking 6 Oral exam #1
15週 Speaking 7 Oral exam #2

