

学校 茨城工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 現代英語Ⅱ
科目番号 0011 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 専攻科 産業技術システムデザイン工学専攻 一般 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Students are required to bring a Japanese-English dictionary in addition to an A4 folder for handouts, homework, and class materials. Students should also have paper (blank or ruled) for taking down study notes. Textbook: Speaking of Speech by David Harrington, Charles LeBeau
担当教員 フィダルゴ ジーナ


This course introduces and develops skills required in English public speaking. The students will practice various aspects of preparing a great presentation. This includes using effective visuals, writing an organized essay with the use of transitions and signal words, in addition to to displaying proper posture, effective gestures and output. Upon successful completion of the course, each student should be able to write a well-organized short essay and carry out an effective presentation.


評価項目1The student give a smooth presentation without the use of help aids. The presentation includes proper visuals, effective evidence, and transitions.The student can give a smooth presentation with limited use of help aids. The presentation includes minor mistakes in the effective use of visuals, lacks appropriate evidence, and transitions.The student is unable to give a smooth despite the use of help aids. The presentation lacks or has serious mistakes with visuals, evidence, and transitions.
評価項目2The student displays excellent eye contact, gestures, and voice inflection throughout the presentation.The student sometimes makes eye contact, uses gestures, and uses appropriate voice inflection throughout the presentation.The student does not use effective eye contact, gestures, or voice inflection throughout the presentation.
評価項目3The student participates well in class and prepares presentations by the required deadline.The student tries to participate and generally meets the required presentation deadline.The student does not participate and fails to meet the required presentation deadline.


学習・教育目標 (F) (リ) 説明 閉じる


Will practice the following elements of a presentation: (1) physical message (proper posture, eye contact, and gestures, (2) visual message (selecting effective visuals, analyzing visuals, and explaining visuals), (3) story message (preparing introduction, body, and conclusion, with the use of transitions and signal words)
Partner discussion and role-play, group discussion and role-play, as well as individual writing activities.
This class primarily focuses on discussion and practicing presentation skills. Success therefore depends on regular attendance and active participation. It is also recommended that students do the assigned homework in order to review skills learned in the classroom.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Welcome Class: student introductions, syllabus and course outline. Introduction to "physical message" - focus on posture Learn proper posture prior to and during a presentation.
2週 "Physical Message" – focus on posture and eye contact. Learning to check if the audience is interested and understands the information. Learn effective eye contact with the audience during a presentation.
3週 Short presentation 1, followed by lecture."Physical Message" – focus on gestures part 1 Short presentation 1 should include proper posture and effective use of eye contact.
4週 "Physical Message" – focus on gestures part 2 Learn various gestures that can be employed in a presentation.
5週 Short presentation 2, followed by lecture. "Physical message" - focus on the use of voice inflection part 1 Short presetnation 2 should include correct posture, eye contact, and use of gestures.
6週 "Physical Message" – focus on voice inflection part 2 Learn voice inflection techniques and when to employ them.
7週 Short presentation 3, followed by lecture. "Visual Message" - focus on various kinds of visuals and correct usage Short presentation 3 should include proper posture, effective eye contact, gestures, and voice inflection.
8週 "Visual Message" – focus on selecting effective visuals, in addition to explaining visuals part 1 Understanding different visuals have different purpose. Preparing simple visuals that include all important information, and selecting the correct visual for your purpose.
9週 "Visual Message" – focus on explaining visuals part 2 How to properly introduce a visual and explain its contents.
10週 Short presentation 4, followed by lecture. "Story Message" – focus on the introduction components of a presentation Short presentation 4 should include proper posture, effective eye contact, gestures, voice inflection. In addition, visuals should be properly selected, utilized, and explained.
11週 "Story Message" – focus on the body of a presentation. Specifically, using transitions and signal words to improve flow. Writing and employing effective signal words and transitions to connect ideas and points in the presentation.
12週 "Story Message" – focus on writing a suitable conclusion concentrating on key information How to properly conclude a presentation, reviewing the main points the audience should remember.
13週 Long presentation 1 Long presentation 1 should be carried out with minimal usage of helping aids and employ the various elements learned in the course.
14週 Feedback session regarding long presentation 1 Students should make recommend changes given in the feedback session. These include changes to the story, visuals, and physical message.
15週 Long presentation 2 Long presentation 2 should be carried out smoothly, without the use of any aids. It should employ the various elements learned in the course.
16週 Course review, student feedback, and grades. Overall feeling of improvement in preparing a presentation and confidence when speaking in front of an audience.


ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Ability030000030
Technical Ability030000030
Interdisciplinary Ability040000040