

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 英語特論Ⅰ
科目番号 0007 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 制御情報システム工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 TOEIC Listening and Reading, 書き込みドリル. 桐原書店..
担当教員 モアナヌ ビル


(1) Acquire advanced, technical vocabulary, word collocations, expressions, word chunks necessary to read a basic business reports, e-mails, charts, advertisements or letters.
(2) To improve reading efficiency.
(3) To improve listening efficiency
(4) Be able to give technical presentations on a wide range of topics in English.


理想的な到達レベルの目安 (high) 80%標準的な到達レベルの目安 (moderate) 60%未到達レベルの目安 (Fail) <60%
評価項目1 Technical Vocabulary: words (including accent), word collocations, expression and word chunksStudent clearly comprehends technical vocabulary covered in the textbook.Student partially comprehends technical vocabulary covered in the textbook.Student is unable to comprehend technical vocabulary covered in the textbook.
評価項目2 Reading efficiency: Student is clearly able to read efficiently and comprehend the material.Student is partially able to read efficiently and comprehend the material.Student is unable to read efficiently and comprehend the material.
評価項目3 Listening efficiency:Student is clearly able to listen efficiently and comprehend the material.Student is partially able to listen efficiently and comprehend the material.Student is unable to listen efficiently and comprehend the material.
評価項目4 Presentation skills: English, Content, Delivery, Q & A. Student is clearly able to give a well-structured and logical presentations paying careful attention to English, Content, Delivery and Q & A. and other required elements. Student is partially able to give a well-structured and logical presentations paying careful attention to English, Content, Delivery and Q & A. and other required elements. Student is unable to give a well-structured and logical presentations paying careful attention to English, Content, Delivery and Q & A. and other required elements.


ディプロマポリシー C-1 説明 閉じる
JABEE C1 説明 閉じる


(1) This class will improve reading and listening ability on the TOEIC test through targeted drills in the textbook.
(2) Students will build their English vocabulary, word collocations, useful expressions and word chunks by studying the 20 Units in the textbook.
(3) TOEIC test taking strategies for each section of the test (7) will be introduced.
(4) Teaching skills and methods on how to give Technical Presentations in English.
*This class will be led by a teacher who is licensed in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) as well as in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).
The class meets once a week for 90-minutes in the language lab. The teacher will use the textbook as a basis and supplement it with other authentic material. The teacher will introduce useful and effective web applications that will supplement the contents of this class and help students achieve their English educational goals.
Students are expected to attend all classes. Tests, including word quizzes on vocabulary in the textbook, will be conducted. Students will do speaking projects individually, in pairs and in groups. This syllabus is subject to change.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Guidance/ Teacher self-introduction-Quiz / Day 1. "Hotels and Restaurants" / Syllabus explanation. TOEIC pre-test./Teacher self introduction-Kahoot Quiz. Introduction of "how to give effective presentations"/ Day 1
2週 Day 1 (continued) / Speaking 1. student presentations. students 1~20 / Day 1, related speaking, listening, reading exercises
3週 Day 1 (cont.) Day 1, related speaking, listening, reading exercises
4週 Day 2 "Travel and Business Trip" / Introduction of Speaking 2. News Flash presentation. Day 2, related speaking, listening, reading exercises / Prep for "NewsFlash" project.
5週 News Flash presentations. Day 3 "Office Routine 1". Day 3, related speaking, listening, reading exercises/ students 1~5 presentations,
6週 News Flash presentations (cont) , Day 3 (cont.) Day 3, related speaking, listening, reading exercises / students 6~10
7週 News Flash presentations (cont.), Day 4 "Office Routine 2" Day 4, related speaking, listening, reading exercises. / students 11~15
8週 News Flash presentations (cont.), Day 5 (Review of Days 1~4) Day 5, related speaking, listening, reading exercises / students 16~20.
9週 Test 1. Units 1~5 Test (Midterm).
10週 Speaking 3-Group Project 1 "The Country We would like to visit the most" Speaking 3-Group Project 1 Explanation and preparation.
11週 Speaking 3-Group Project 1 presentation Speaking 3-Groups 1~5 presentation/evaluation
12週 Day 6 "Job openings and Recruitment. Day 6, related speaking, listening, reading exercises./ Class discussion of homework questions
13週 Day 7 "Personnel Affairs" Day 7, related speaking, listening, reading exercises./ Class discussion of homework questions
14週 Day 8 "Conference and Presentation Seminar Day 8, related speaking, listening, reading exercises./ Class discussion of homework questions
15週 期末試験 Units 6~8
16週 Day 9 "Business" Day 9, related speaking, listening, reading exercises./ Class discussion of homework questions



