

学校 明石工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 オーラル・イングリッシュ
科目番号 0009 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 演習 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 建築・都市システム工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Lecture Ready 2: Strategies for Academic Listening & Speaking; by Peg Sarosy & Kathy Sherak; 2013; Oxford University Press; ISBN: 978-0-19-441728-0.
担当教員 ハーバート ジョン


By the end of this course, the students should be able to listen to academic lectures in English more attentively, take good notes, discuss lecture content in English, perform English presentations more confidently, and understand the cultural norms of giving presentations in an English speaking context. To this end, the students will be required to work on improving their English listening strategies, note-taking strategies, discussion strategies, and presentation skills as described below.


Listening StrategiesRecognize most key types of information to listen forRecognize some key types of information to listen forRecognize no key types of information to listen for
Note-taking StrategiesMake accurate and concise recordings of lecture contentMake rough but understandable recordings of lecture contentMake no comprehensible recordings of lecture content
Discussion Strategies Participate fully and smoothly in academic discussionsParticipate somewhat actively in academic discussionsParticipate rather passively or not at all in academic discussions
Presentation DeliveryStand up straight, look at the audience, use natural gestures and appropriate voice inflection Stand up straight, look at the audience, use planned gestures, and experiment with voice inflection Slouch as you read without gestures or voice inflection
Visual AidsPrepare very interesting and meaningful slides and synchronize them perfectly with your speech performancePrepare easily understood and meaningful slides and use them appropriatelyPrepare crowded slides that are hard to read without practicing slide synchronization
Presentation ContentMake sure you have a well-structured presentation with all of the components of a speech described in your textbookCreate a good English speech introduction, body, and conclusionFail to make your message clear or fail to organize your message in a logical order
EnglishSpeak clearly with excellent English vocabulary and grammarSpeak clearly with understandable English vocabulary and grammarUse only katakana to speak English


学習・教育目標 (A) 説明 閉じる
学習・教育目標 (B) 説明 閉じる
学習・教育目標 (E) 説明 閉じる


The objective of this course is to prepare students to experience the demands and atmosphere of higher-education classrooms in English speaking environments. The course will focus on listening for particular structures and signals in English, taking accurate and concise notes, participating actively in academic discussions, and creating and delivering presentations.
Each textbook unit will be divided into two days. On Day One, students will listen to an academic lecture in English and apply a new listening strategy for recognizing language structures or signals. And, the students will take notes on these lectures. On Day Two, the students will engage in academic discussions about the lecture topics and practice various presentation skills. After two units have been covered in four lessons, the fifth lesson will be spent preparing presentations with themes based on one of the 2 units covered. Then, in the sixth lesson, each student must perform the presentation they prepared. In total, that is 5 presentations in one year. Each presentation will be about 5 minutes.
Active participation in English is essential for completing this course successfully. A high-intermediate level of English is required to perform well in this class. 合格の対象としない欠席条件(割合) 1/4以上の欠課。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Unit 1: Gender and Spending
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Build background knowledge to understand lectures. Recognize language relevant to the lecture topic. Use your background knowledge to predict the lecture's content. Write only the most important words when taking notes. Assess and revise your notes.
2週 Unit 1: Gender and Spending
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Enter the discussion.
Make eye contact while using notes.
3週 Unit 2: Ads Are Everywhere
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize lecture language that signals the big picture. Use an informal outline for taking notes. Use your notes to summarize the lecture.
4週 Unit 2: Ads Are Everywhere
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Contribute to the discussion.
Catch the audience's attention by telling a story.
5週 Listening Test 1 and Presentation 1 Preparation Assess your listening ability and prepare for standardized English listening tests. Create a presentation. Practice using the presentation strategies for an actual presentation.
6週 Presentation 1 Performance
Apply the presentation strategies to an actual presentation performance.
7週 Unit 3: Work Habits in the 21st Century
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize transitions in a lecture.
Use symbols to represent words and ideas in your notes.
8週 Unit 3: Work Habits in the 21st Century
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Interrupt and ask for clarification in a discussion.
Create rapport with the audience throughout a presentation.
9週 Unit 4: Leisure Time in the 21st Century
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize lecture language that signals a definition.
Use abbreviations in your notes to represent longer words.
10週 Unit 4: Leisure Time in the 21st Century
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Ask for more information in a discussion.
Signal a transition between speakers.
11週 Listening Test 2 and Presentation 2 Preparation Assess your listening ability and prepare for standardized English listening tests. Create a presentation. Practice using the presentation strategies for an actual presentation.
12週 Presentation 2 Performance Apply the presentation strategies to an actual presentation performance.
13週 Unit 5: Science and Pleasure: What We Eat
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize lecture language for examples.
Use a visual form for note-taking.
14週 Unit 5: Science and Pleasure: What We Eat
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Agree/disagree in a discussion.
Conclude a presentation by summarizing the main points.
15週 Unit 6: Unique Solutions to Pollution
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize lecture language for explanations.
Describe the visuals used in a lecture in your notes.
16週 期末試験実施せず
1週 Unit 6: Unique Solutions to Pollution
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Support your opinions.
Open the floor to questions.
2週 Listening Test 3 and Presentation 3 Preparation Assess your listening ability and prepare for standardized English listening tests. Create a presentation. Practice using the presentation strategies for an actual presentation.
3週 Presentation 3 Performance Apply the presentation strategies to an actual presentation performance.
4週 Unit 7: Getting the News in the High-Tech Age
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize lecture language that signals important information.
Highlight important ideas in your notes.
5週 Unit 7: Getting the News in the High-Tech Age
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Connect your ideas to other student's ideas.
Refer to a chart or a graph.
6週 Unit 8: Who's on TV?
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize non-verbal signals for important information.
Annotate your notes during a lecture.
7週 Unit 8: Who's on TV?
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Keep the discussion focused.
Use hand gestures to clarify words and ideas.
8週 Listening Test 4 and Presentation 4 Preparation Assess your listening ability and prepare for standardized English listening tests. Create a presentation. Practice using the presentation strategies for an actual presentation.
9週 Presentation 4 Performance Apply the presentation strategies to an actual presentation performance.
10週 Unit 9: What's Up with Slang?
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Recognize changes in pronunciation.
Edit your notes after a lecture.
11週 Unit 9: What's Up with Slang?
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Encourage other students to participate in the discussion.
Use visuals that combine words and pictures.
12週 Unit 10: Global English
- Practice Listening Strategies
- Practice Note-Taking Strategies
Review the listening strategies from the textbook.
Review the note-taking strategies from the textbook.
13週 Unit 10: Global English
- Practice Academic Discussion Strategies
- Practice Presentation Strategies
Bring the group to a consensus.
Pace your speech.
14週 Listening Test 5 and Presentation 5 Preparation Assess your listening ability and prepare for standardized English listening tests. Create a presentation. Practice using the presentation strategies for an actual presentation.
15週 Presentation 5 Performance
Apply the presentation strategies to an actual presentation performance.
16週 期末試験実施せず。




Five Listening TestsTen Note-Taking AssignmentsTen DiscussionsFive Presentations合計
English Communication25252525100