

学校 徳山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0026 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 情報電子工学専攻 対象学年 専2
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 プリント等
担当教員 リービス カーティス,倉増 泰弘


In this course, students will use English to interact in class with their classmates and their teacher. Students will read English documents describing a project, listen to and watch explanations of such projects, and will write responses to prompts about these projects. The final goal of the course will be in two stages: 1) students will conceive of a community service project and write all the necessary forms and descriptions in a project workbook in English, and 2) students will give a presentation in class, in English, on their imagined community service project. All students will evaluate each project workbook and the presentation to decide if the project receives a passing grade, which will be figured into each student’s final score in the course.


理想的な到達レベルの目安(優) (CEFR B2)標準的な到達レベルの目安(良) (CEFR B1)未到達レベルの目安(不可) (CEFR A2)
評価項目1 (range)Has a sufficient range of language to be able to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints on most general topics, without much conHas enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events.Uses basic sentence patterns with memorized phrases, groups of a few words and formulae in order to commu
評価項目2 (accuracy)Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make errors which cause misunderstanding, and can correct most of his/her mistakes.Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used "routines" and patterns assoUses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes.
評価項目3 (fluency)Can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he or she searches for patterns and expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses.Can keep going comprehensibly, even though pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches of free production.Can make him/herself understood in very short utterances, even though pauses, false starts and reformulation are very evident.
評価項目4 (interaction)Can initiate discourse, take his/her turn when appropriate and end conversation when he / she needs to, though he /she may not always do this elegantly.  Can help the discussion along on familiar ground confirming comprehenCan initiate, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversaCan answer questions and respond to simple statements. Can indicate when he/she is following but is rarely able to understand enough to keep conversation going of his/her own accord.
評価項目5 (coherence)Can use a limited number of cohesive devices to link his/her utterances into clear, coherent discourse, though there may be some "jumpiness" in a long conCan link a series of shorter, discrete simple elements into a connected, linear sequence of points.Can link groups of words with simple connectors like "and, "but" and "because".


到達目標 A 2 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


学生は、コースの主題である社会奉仕プロジェクトに関して、英語でのコミュニケーションを積極的に練習します。 英語のテキスト、ビデオ、リスニング活動に焦点を当てて、英語でのコミュニケーションを練習します。 学生は英語でプロジェクトワークブックを作成し、想像したプロジェクトについて英語でプレゼンテーションを行います。 授業は原則としてすべて英語で行われます。
Class Activities and Homework (40%) + Project Workbook (30%) + Final Presentation (20%) + Class Evaluation (10%)


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Introduction, Goals, and Context Students will understand the methods and evaluation of the course, learn the vocabulary terms "Eagle Scout" and "Eagle Scout Project," discuss the ideas of community, community service, leadership, dedication, and achievement, and read a description of one specific Eagle Scout Project.
2週 Project Workbook Pages 01-04 Students will discuss the ideas of community, community service, leadership, dedication, and achievement, and read a description of one specific Eagle Scout Project. Students will also discuss the idea of "community" and consider how specific groups benefit from community service projects.
3週 Project Workbook Pages 05-08 Students will discuss the ideas of community, community service, leadership, dedication, and achievement, and read a description of one specific Eagle Scout Project. Students will learn the difference between general English vocabulary and specific subject English vocabulary. Students will examine project details, site maps, and project completion.
4週 Project Workbook Pages 9-12 Students will read and discuss project proposal, project notes, project changes, and project report.
5週 Project Workbook Pages 13-16 Students will continue reading project report, examine before and after pictures, discuss the technology of production of these documents. Students will being drafting their own project workbooks.
6週 Project Workbook Pages 17-20 Students will read and discuss recommendation letters, the concept of recommendations, who they believe would recommend them, and the ideas of oaths and signatures. Students will continue working on their drafts.
7週 Project Workbook Pages 21-26 Students will continue discuss and reading recommendation letters, and learn more of the background surrounding these recommendations and how they might apply to their current situations. Key concepts and ideas will be review. Students will continue working on their drafts.
8週 Project Workbook Students will reviews key concepts, vocabulary, and English for proejct of their project workbooks.
9週 Student Workbooks Students will begin sharing their project ideas in class.
10週 Student Workbooks Students will share their project ideas in class, offering suggestions and constructive criticism.
11週 Student Workbooks Students will consulte with teacher on the status of their workbooks thus far.
12週 Student Workbooks Students will submit project descriptions, in English, to the teacher so they can practice pronunciation via Microsoft Teams Reading Progress.
13週 Student Workbooks Students will practice pronunciation via Microsoft Teams Reading Progress.. Students will practice presentations via PowerPoint Coach.
14週 Student Presentations and Evaluations Students will give project presentations in English during class. Other students will observe and evaluation presentations. Homework will focus on reading and evaluating student project workbooks.
15週 Student Presentations and Evaluations Students will give project presentations in English during class. Other students will observe and evaluation presentations. Homework will focus on reading and evaluating student project workbooks.
16週 Review Students will review the ideas of community, service, and project and their evolution through the course.




試験発表 (Presentation)相互評価 (Class Evaluation)態度 (participation)ポートフォリオ (Project Workbook)その他 (Homework)合計