

学校 八戸工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 集中英語演習Ⅲ(0316)
科目番号 3C16 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 演習 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 産業システム工学科マテリアル・バイオ工学コース 対象学年 3
開設期 冬学期(4th-Q) 週時間数 4th-Q:4
教科書/教材 SEIZE THE KEYS OF THE TOEIC L&R TEST(Masko Yasumura, Akiko Tkamori, Akiko Watanabe, Yasushi Totoki, Noriko Sunagawa, and Andrew Zittzmann): KINSEIDO
担当教員 清川 紘樹,田村 英門


Students will study basic TOEIC L&R text to familiarize themselves with the exam format with the aim of TOEIC scores, 300-350 or above. Students will also acquire knowledge of basic English grammar. An English dictionary will be needed for the class.


評価項目1Understand English in the textbook well (80% of achievement); Able to express their opinions clearly and conciselyUnderstand English in the textbook fairly (60% of achievement); Able to provide their opinions with minimal errorsUnderstand English in the textbook poorly (50% of achievement); Fail to provide their opinions
評価項目2TOEIC score equivalent to 350 and aboveTOEIC score equivalent to 300-350TOEIC score equivalent to 300 or less


ディプロマポリシー DP6 ◎ 説明 閉じる


Students will familiarize themselves with some aspects of TOEIC and basic English grammar supporting understanding English in TOEIC. In addition, this course helps students prepare for TOEIC English Placement tests for future work and higher education.
Classes will be conducted primarily with a focus on the textbook. Prior to a class, students are responsible for preparing the textbook. During the class, they are required to be positive for thinking and answering. The coursework will be graded based on: Exams (midterm and final: 70%), Mini-Tests / Homework (15%), and In-class performance / the attendance(15%).
Before classes: Prepare the text contents.
During classes: Active participation is important.
After classes: Review what you have learned and explore other aspects of the class.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
9週 Unit 8 Employment: Grammar check / Vocabulary // Part 1 / 3 / 6 / 7 Acquire basic knowledge of system of tense. / Understand the vocabulary and expressions covered in Unit 8. / Develop English skills for the TOEIC through working on the quizzes in each part.
10週 Unit 9 Personnel: Grammar check / Vocabulary // Part 1 / 4 / 5 / 7 Acquire basic knowledge of system of passive voice. / Understand the vocabulary and expressions covered in Unit 9. / Develop English skills for the TOEIC through working on the quizzes in each part.
11週 Unit 10 Business: Grammar check / Vocabulary // Part 1 / 2 / 5 / 7 Acquire basic knowledge of particles and participle constructions. / Understand the vocabulary and expressions covered in Unit 10. / Develop English skills for the TOEIC through working on the quizzes in each part.
12週 Unit 11 Health & Environment: Grammar check / Vocabulary // Part 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 Acquire basic knowledge of infinitives and verbal nouns. / Understand the vocabulary and expressions covered in Unit 11. / Develop English skills for the TOEIC through working on the quizzes in each part.
13週 Unit 12 Finance: Grammar check / Vocabulary // Part 1 / 4 / 6 / 7 Acquire basic knowledge of relatives. / Understand the vocabulary and expressions covered in Unit 12. / Develop English skills for the TOEIC through working on the quizzes in each part.
14週 Supplementary study Acquire supplementary knowledge.
15週 Review Review the textbook.
16週 Final Exam




ExaminationIn-class performanceMutual evaluationsBehaviorMini-Tests / Homework合計