

学校 米子工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 英語表現Ⅲ
科目番号 0040 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 総合工学科(建築デザインコース) 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 American English File 3
担当教員 森田 典幸,中島 美智子,鈴木 章子,遠藤 香菜子,マックフェル ショーン


1) Acquire the vocabulary and confidence necessary for fluent conversations and become comfortable conversing in English.
2) Be able to express yourself in many different situations using conversational expressions and clearly understand what is being talked about.
3) Understand language, respond to and ask questions to build skills and techniques to improve overall understanding of English.


評価項目1Have sufficient vocabulary needed for conversations across a variety of topics. Understand culturally appropriate nuanced questions and be able to respond.Have some vocabulary needed for conversations across a variety of topics. Understand some culturally appropriate nuanced questions and usually be able to respond.Do not have the vocabulary needed for conversations nor understand questions across different topics.
評価項目2You can express yourself in almost all situations using natural conversational expressions. You can understand what people mean when they express themselves.You can express yourself in a some situations using conversational expressions. You can often understand other people when they express themselves.You cannot express yourself in many situations using conversational expressions nor understand other people when they express themselves.
評価項目3Understand most simple language, be able to ask questions and feel comfortable completing any style of English test.Can generally understand language, ask questions and are familiar with some English test styles and test questions.Unable to understand simple language and unable to complete English test questions.


学習・教育到達度目標 E 説明 閉じる


Develop communication skills related to society to use in your own life. Acquire conversational skills and abilities to express yourself in any situation. Learn the vocabulary necessary to achieve positive results in any English endeavour.
In class, be able to speak and talk freely as much as possible. Feel comfortable and confident in asking questions and gain confidence in conversing with people from any background.
There will be 2 oral tests at the end of each semester and 2 written tests mid-semester. In total they are worth 60%. There will be 12 mini tests throughout the year worth 24%. There will also be 8 homework exercises worth 16% in total.
Gain an enjoyment and appreciation for other cultures and speaking English. Have fun and learn about the world.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction/greetings (Unit 1)
Course introduction, learn how to ask questions and talk about food
2週 Modern families (Unit 1)
Explore different cultures and family structure (Grammar: Future forms)
3週 Spending money (Unit 2)
Can talk about money (Grammar: present perfect and simple past)
4週 Spending money (Unit 2)
Can talk about money (Grammar: present perfect and simple past)
5週 Survive the drive (Unit 3)
Can talk about transportation (Grammar: comparatives, superlatives and articles)
6週 Survive the drive (Unit 3)
Can talk about transportation (Grammar: comparatives, superlatives and articles)
7週 Mid semester test
Mid semester written test
8週 Mid semester test
Mid semester written test
9週 Phone etiquette (Unit 4)
Can talk politely on the phone (Grammar: have to, must, should)
10週 Phone etiquette (Unit 4)
Can talk politely on the phone (Grammar: have to, must, should)
11週 Relationships (Unit 5)
Can talk about relationships (Grammar: past and present habits and states)
12週 Relationships (Unit 5)
Can talk about relationships (Grammar: past and present habits and states)
13週 First semester speaking test
Understand the contents of this semester
14週 First semester speaking test
Understand the contents of this semester
15週 Return/discuss Final tests and results
Understand the contents of this semester
16週 Review of spring semester
Understand the contents of the previous units
1週 Behind the scenes (Unit 6)
Can talk about movies (Grammar: passive voice (all tenses))
2週 Behind the scenes (Unit 6)
Can talk about movies (Grammar: passive voice (all tenses))
3週 Live and learn (Unit 7)
Can talk about education (Grammar: first and second conditionals)
4週 Live and learn (Unit 7)
Can talk about education (Grammar: first and second conditionals)
5週 The right job for you (Unit 8)
Can talk about work (Grammar: infinitives and gerunds)
6週 The right job for you (Unit 8)
Can talk about work (Grammar: infinitives and gerunds)
7週 Mid semester test
Mid semester written test
8週 Mid semester test
Mid semester written test
9週 Digital detox (Unit 9)
Can talk about electronics (Grammar: quantifiers)
10週 Digital detox (Unit 9)
Can talk about electronics (Grammar: quantifiers)
11週 And the murderer is… (unit 10)
Can ask questions to gain and check information (Grammar: tag questions)
12週 And the murderer is… (unit 10)
Can ask questions to gain and check information (Grammar: tag questions)
13週 Final test
Understand the contents of the second semester
14週 Final test
Understand the contents of the whole year
15週 Return/discuss Final tests and results
Return/discuss Final tests and results
16週 Review of fall semester
Understand the contents of the previous units




Exammini testshomework exercises態度ポートフォリオその他合計