

学校 香川高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 工業英語
科目番号 7007 科目区分 工学基礎 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 創造工学専攻(電気情報工学コース)(2024年度以降入学者) 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 1 Advances in Science: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future
2 A Shorter Course in Scientific and Technical English
3 A Shorter Course in Science and Technology Vocabulary
(All of the textbooks are published by NAN' UN-DO)
担当教員 森下 二郎


Students will become able to read books of their interest in English, make academic presentations in English, and write scientific paper in English


評価項目1(English Proficiency)Produce high-quality presentation and term paperProduce moderate-quality presentation and term paperProduce low-quality presentation and term paper
評価項目2(Class Participation)Demonstrate an ability to promote spontaneous dialogue among the studentsDemonstrate an ability to answer questionsRemain silent
評価項目3(Independent Study)Conduct an extensive research outside the classConduct research outside the classConduct little research outside the class



This Scientific and Technical English course offers a wide range of scientific topics and a variety of activities in order to enhance English skills essential for science major students to conduct academic research in English.
Except for translation exercises, class sessions are held entirely in English.
Each week completes one unit of the text book Advances in Science, and two chapters of two books titled A Shorter Course.
Students will be given an opportunity to make an individual presentation in the later part of the course, and asked to submit term paper at the last class.
Because this course grants academic credit as opposed to school credit, there will be coursework to be done outside the class.
The course schedule is subject to change.
Before attending the class, students must complete the required reading of the textbook Advances and come to class ready to play an active role.
There will be a 20-minute individual presentation and a 1,500-word paper as coursework. Students will be later notified of the details on these assignments.
Since this course is elective and intended for students at advanced level, students must carefully weigh up their own English proficiency before signing up for the class.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course introduction Become well prepared for the course
2週 Unit 1 of Advances: Chapter 1 & 2 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on a scientific method
3週 Unit 2 of Advances: Chapter 3 & 4 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on the solar system
4週 Unit 3 of Advances: Chapter 5 & 6 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on mathematics
5週 Unit 4 of Advances: Chapter 7 & 8 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on electric light
6週 Unit 5 of Advances: Chapter 9 & 10 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on radiation
7週 Unit 6 of Advances: Chapter 11 & 12 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on vaccination
8週 Unit 7 of Advances: Chapter 13 & 14 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on gravity
9週 Unit 8 of Advances: Chapter 15 & 16 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on atoms
10週 Unit 9 of Advances: Chapter 17 & 18 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on interstellar travel
11週 Unit 10 of Advances: Chapter 19 & 20 of two A Shorter Course Become able to discuss issues on energy
12週 Unit 11 of Advances; Presentations Become able to discuss issues on nanotechnology
13週 Unit 12 of Advances; Presentations Become able to discuss issues on genetic engineering
14週 Unit 13 of Advances; Presentations Become able to discuss issues on quantum computing
15週 Unit 14 of Advances;Submission of term paper Become able to discuss issues on artificial intelligence
16週 Review Became able to understand what needs to be done in the future




Term PaperIndividual Presentationin-Class ParticipationIndependent Study合計
評価項目1(English Proficiency)60150075
評価項目2(Class Participation)0015015
評価項目3(Independent Study)0001010