

学校 八戸工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成29年度 (2017年度)
授業科目 英語演習Ⅱ(0062)
科目番号 0064 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 _電気情報工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Writing Frontiers, Tama Kumamoto, Kyoko Oi, Taeko Kamimura, Kim Marie Sano, Kahoko Matsumoto Kinseido Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-4-7647-3896-6
担当教員 阿部 恵,マイケル モリス,マシュー トーマス


At the end of this class, students will have focused on writing for academic purpose, and will use this writing ability to write and make a presentation that they will present at the end of the class.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1
Evaluation 2
Evaluation 3



The aim of this course is to introduce students to English writing, with a focus on the structure
and content of paragraph writing. Students will learn the basics of a paragraph, the different components and each
class have the opportunity to use what they have learned. This class will assist students when the take the EIKEN
test, and when they write academic papers.
Classes will be conducted in English with the main focus on writing skills, techniques, and format. Each class
different aspects of paragraph writing will be explored and students will have the opportunity to the use what they
have learned in writing exercises
Active participation during classes is expected. Students will be required to write in every class, so as to focus
them on what they have learned in each class. Students must bring a dictionary to each class as it is essential for
writing. Writing homework will be given in each classes.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction
2週 Writing / Presentation: Introducing
3週 Writing / Presentation: Writing a
Story by Yourself
4週 Writing / Presentation: Writing Your
Own Recipe
5週 Writing / Presentation: Describing
Interesting People and Places
6週 Writing / Presentation: Expressing
Your Feelings
7週 Writing / Presentation: Introducing
Your Hometown
8週 Review
9週 Writing / Presentation: Studying
More about the World
10週 Writing / Presentation: Why are
they so popular?
11週 Writing / Presentation: Comparing
Shogi and Chess
12週 Writing / Presentation: Things can
be the same; Things can be different
13週 Writing / Presentation: Expressing
Your Opinion
14週 Writing/ Presentation: International Students at Various Universities
15週 Writing / Presentation: Presenting
16週 Review




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorHomeworkReports合計
Basic Ability500003020100
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000