

学校 函館工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 コミュニケーション英語Ⅲ
科目番号 0343 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 物質環境工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Building English Essentials(木村聡雄・鈴木理枝他 ) English Listeing and Speaking Patterns( Andrew E. Bennett)
担当教員 高橋 眞規子


1) To review basic English grammar for daily Enlish communication skills
2) To acquire basic English skills useful for Engineers


評価項目1Students are able to understand and reuse all the expressions learned in class. Students are able to understand and reuse most of the expressions learned in class.Students are not able to understand and reuse any of the expressions learned in class.
評価項目2Students are able to use English grammar knowledge learned in Class.Students are able to use most of English grammar knowledge learned in Class.Students are not able to use English grammar knowledge learned in Class.
評価項目3Students are able to acquire English skills useful for EngineersStudents are able to somewhat acquire English skills useful for EngineersStudents are not able to acquire English skills useful for Engineers


函館高専教育目標 E 説明 閉じる


In Spiring Semester, using basic English conversation textbook to review typical daily English expressions and grammar, Students will become active English speakers and listeners for daily topics. In fall Semester, using Text book for Scientists and Engineers, They will discover some interesting topics for Engineers and aquire essential skills for technical English. Students will improve their communication skills in English thanks to various activities such as discussion, presentation, e.t.c.
1. Even if you feel shy, please try and speak as much as possible.
2 In Spring Semester, there are some writing and speaking assignments.
3. In Fall semester, there are some writing and presentation assignments.
1. You must always bring the textbook and an electronic or paper dictionary. If you forget your textbook. You may get minus points.
2. Students cannot use their cellphones in class.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction: Lesson guidance To be able to understand the objectives, evaluation methods, and flow of the course.
2週 Unit1 Pleased to Meet You! At a Party
Grammar(Parts of Speech)
To be able to introduce yourself and greet.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, part of speech.
3週 Unit 2 By Air or Surface Mail?
Grammar(The Constituent Parts of Sentences)
To be able to send mails in the Post office.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, The Constituent Parts of Sentences.
4週 Unit 3Whatʼs the Trouble?
Grammar( (Sentence Patterns 1) [SV, SVC と SVO])
To be able to ask and answer your daily matters .
To be able to understand the English Grammar, Sentence Patterns .
5週 Unit 4Why? Tell Me the Reason.
Grammar( (Sentence Patterns 2) [SVOO と SVOC])
To be able to tell the reasons.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, Sentence Pattern.
6週 Unit 5Weʼre Sorry for the Inconvenience.
To be able to apologize.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, tense.
7週 Unit 6 I Havenʼt Had an Opportunity.
Grammar (Progressive Form / Perfect Tense)
To be able to talk daily matters.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, Progressive Form / Perfect Tense
8週 前期中間試験
9週 Test correction
Unit 7 Sightseeing in Kamakura
grammar (Passive Voice / Active Voice)
To be able to understand the mistakes made during the test.
10週 Unit 8 You Should Ask Koji.
Grammar(Auxiliary Verbs)
To be able to give advice. To be able to understand the English Grammar,Auxiliary Verbs
11週 Unit 9 Are You Busy Tomorrow Morning
Grammar( (Infinitives)
To be able to ask future plan.
To be able to understand the English Grammar,Infinitives
12週 Unit 10ʼd Like to Check In.
Grammar (Participles)
To be able to check in and saty at hotels.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, Participles.
13週 Unit 11Iʼd Like a Smaller One.
To be able to compare things.
To be able to understand the English Grammar, comparatives.
14週 Unit 12 Are You Ready to Order?
Grammar (Relative Pronouns)
To be able to order food at the restaruant.
To be able to understand the English Grammar,Relative Pronouns.
15週 前期期末試験
16週 Test correction
1週 Assignment review and Unit1 Describing Family Review summer assignment and to be able to talk about family members and respond positively and negatively. describing people and places.
2週 Unit1 Describing Family Review summer assignment again and to be able to talk about their family with learned expressions.
3週 Unit2 Describing Friends To be able to describe friends and express frequency.
4週 Unit3 Describing culture To be able to describe culture and talk about what should and shouldn't be done

5週 Unit4 Describing Education To be able to describe education and express opinions and make surprising statements.

6週 Unit5 Describing Sports To be able to describing sports and express honesty and hope.

7週 Unit6 Describing works
To be able to talk about works and talk about past, present and future situations.
8週 後期中間試験
9週 Test correction
Unit7 Describing food
To be able to understand the mistakes made during the test. To be able to describe food and talk about chances and conditions.

10週 Unit8 Talk about the strategy studying English. To be able to talk about the strategy studying languages and talk about problems and goals.
11週 Unit 10 Describing Clothes To be able to describe clothes and fashions and give reasons and conditions.
12週 Unit12 Talk about Music
To be able to talk about music with exaggerating expressions
13週 Unit13 Movies
To be able to talk about movies with comparatives and superlatives
14週 Conversation Test
To be able to talk with learned expressions
15週 学年末試験
16週 Summary of the lesson and advice To be able to understand the progress students made, and how to keep on improving



