The goal for this 1st year English conversation classes will be to encourage students to express their feelings and ideas to others all in English. Students will be required to work in pairs and groups for practicing.
Students will learn practical English communication skills in English IB classroom. They will practice introducing themselves, asking questions, and having small talks with each other. They will practice proper English pronunciation and accents as well.
I would like to encourage students to speak up in English without hesitation. I will first focus on improving their English fluency and checking their grammatical knowledge learned through their junior high school English lessons. They will also be practicing conversation patterns along with the textbook. Also, every lesson includes an activity called "word counter" and a vocabulary quiz (20pts).
For self study; students should get as much practice listening to English as possible. I recommend watching movies and TV, and listening to music in English. Singing songs in English is also a great way to learn. Be sure you understand any new vocabulary words. Practice the conversations by yourself or with classmates.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
前期 |
1stQ |
1週 |
Introduction Unit1 |
to become acquainted with each other and accustomed to EnglishIB classroom.
2週 |
Unit1 |
to review some points learned in jr. high school.
3週 |
Unit2 |
to learn simple present tense to talk about food and eating habit from all over the world.
4週 |
Unit2 |
to learn simple present tense to talk about food and eating habit from all over the world.
5週 |
to learn and use present-continuous tense to talk about technologies.
6週 |
to learn and use present-continuous tense to talk about technologies.
7週 |
前期中間試験 |
8週 |
Unit10 |
to learn and use gerunds and infinitives to give opinions
2ndQ |
9週 |
Unit10 |
to learn and use gerunds and infinitives to give opinions
10週 |
Unit4 |
to learn and use comparatives and superlatives to talk about shopping and clothing culture
11週 |
Unit4 |
to learn and use comparatives and superlatives to talk about shopping and clothing culture
12週 |
Unit6 |
to learn modals to ask and give directions
13週 |
Unit6 |
to learn modals to ask and give directions
14週 |
Unit9 |
to learn and use participle adjectives to talk about feelings
15週 |
Unit9 |
to learn and use participle adjectives to talk about feelings
16週 |
前期定期試験 |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
Unit8 |
to learn how to describe time and to apologize politely
2週 |
Unit8 |
to learn and talk about movies
3週 |
Unit7 |
to learn linking verbs and causative verbs to talk about health problem
4週 |
Unit7 |
to learn linking verbs and causative verbs to talk about health problem
5週 |
Unit5 |
to learn and talk about home appliance technologies
6週 |
Unit5 |
to learn and talk about home appliance technologies
7週 |
後期中間試験 |
8週 |
Unit11 |
to learn and talk about sports
4thQ |
9週 |
Unit11 |
to learn and talk about sports
10週 |
Unit12 |
to learn and use simple future tense to talk about weather conditions
11週 |
Unit12 |
to learn and use simple future tense to talk about weather conditions
12週 |
Unit13 |
to learn some useful expressions used in restaurants
13週 |
Unit13 |
to learn different manners in restaurants in foreign countries
14週 |
Unit14 |
to learn and use present perfect tense to talk about school life
15週 |
Unit14 |
to learn different school cultures and in foreign countries
16週 |
後期定期試験 |
分類 | 分野 | 学習内容 | 学習内容の到達目標 | 到達レベル | 授業週 |
基礎的能力 | 人文・社会科学 | 英語 | 英語運用の基礎となる知識 | 聞き手に伝わるよう、句・文における基本的なリズムやイントネーション、音のつながりに配慮して、音読あるいは発話できる。 | 1 | 前1,前4,前6,前9,前11,前13,前15,後2,後4,後6,後9,後11,後13,後15 |
明瞭で聞き手に伝わるような発話ができるよう、英語の発音・アクセントの規則を習得して適切に運用できる。 | 1 | 前3,前5,前9,前12,前15,後3,後11,後13 |
中学で既習の語彙の定着を図り、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた新出語彙、及び専門教育に必要となる英語専門用語を習得して適切な運用ができる。 | 1 | 前2,前4,前5,前6,前8,前9,前10,前11,前12,前13,前14,前15,後1,後2,後3,後4,後5,後6,後8,後9,後10,後11,後12,後13,後14,後15 |
中学で既習の文法や文構造に加え、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた文法や文構造を習得して適切に運用できる。 | 1 | 前2,前3 |
英語運用能力の基礎固め | 日常生活や身近な話題に関して、毎分100語程度の速度ではっきりとした発音で話された内容から必要な情報を聞きとることができる。 | 1 | 前3,前4,前5,前6,前8,前9,前10,前11,前12,前13,前14,前15,後1,後2,後3,後4,後5,後6,後8,後9,後10,後11,後12,後13,後14,後15 |
日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を基本的な表現を用いて英語で話すことができる。 | 1 | 前4,前8,前12,後1,後4,後8,後12,後15 |
説明や物語などの文章を毎分100語程度の速度で聞き手に伝わるように音読ができる。 | 1 | 前4,前6,前9,前11,前13,前15,後2,後4,後6,後9,後11,後13,後15 |
平易な英語で書かれた文章を読み、その概要を把握し必要な情報を読み取ることができる。 | 1 | 前2,前5,前8,前10,前12,前14,後1,後3,後5,後8,後10,後12,後14 |
日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を整理し、100語程度のまとまりのある文章を英語で書くことができる。 | 1 | 前6,前15,後6,後15 |
母国以外の言語や文化を理解しようとする姿勢をもち、実際の場面で積極的にコミュニケーションを図ることができる。 | 1 | 前3,前4,前12,前13,後13,後15 |
実際の場面や目的に応じて、基本的なコミュニケーション方略(ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト)を適切に用いることができる。 | 1 | 前12,前13,後1,後3,後4,後12,後13 |