

学校 旭川工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 英語特講B
科目番号 0035 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 一般人文科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 後期:2
教科書/教材 None / Handouts
担当教員 Sook-Pin Wong


1. To have a positive attitude toward communication through English
2. To be able to show basic and practical communication skills in understanding and explaining everyday events with a fair level of adequacy, fluency and promptness


評価項目1 (C-2, C-3)A positive attitude toward communication through English is sufficiently gainedSome degree of positive attitude toward communication through English is gainedA positive attitude toward communication through English is not gained
評価項目2 (C-2, C-3)Being able to show basic and practical communication skills in understanding and explaining everyday events with a fair level of adequacy, fluency, and promptnessBeing able to show some basic and practical communication skills in understanding and explaining everyday events with a limited level of adequacy, fluency, and promptnessBeing unable to show any basic and practical communication skills in understanding and explaining everyday events


学習・教育到達度目標 一般人文科の教育目標 ① 説明 閉じる
学習・教育到達度目標 本科の教育目標 ① 説明 閉じる
JABEE C-2 説明 閉じる
JABEE C-3 説明 閉じる
JABEE基準 f 説明 閉じる


The class will mainly focus on speaking and listening, applying some common phrases frequently used in spoken English.
There are many activities that the students do in pairs or small groups. The class uses TOEIC materials for listening. It has topic discussions and role play projects to enhance students' critical thinking and speaking skills. Sometimes, the class features viewing excerpts for discussion. It intends to help students express their ideas promptly and more effectively.
If students have to be absent, it is crucial to check with the lecturer or classmates to catch up with the missed course work before the next class. There will be not be any makeup for exams or presentations. Required materials to bring to class are a bilingual dictionary (English-Japanese and Japanese-English) or an electronic dictionary, a folder for class handouts and a notebook.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 1. Expressing oneself
• Ice-breakers
• Classroom phrases
To be able to introduce one self and interact with the teacher and friends using some simple classroom phrases
2週 2. Common phrases I
• Talking about school, teachers and grades

To be able to use some common daily expressions to agree or disagree along with some simple description about one’s student life
3週 3. Common phrases II
• TOEIC listening drills
• Encourage and advice
To be able to use some common daily expressions to advice and encourage when a friend is in trouble
Listening: to be able to get used to natural conversational flow and speed
4週 4. Preparation for role play
• TOEIC listening drills
• Pair assignment, draft and practice for role play
To be able to apply some common daily expressions to talk about one's school life, give advice and encourage a friend in a role play situation
Listening: to be able to get used to natural conversational flow and speed
5週 5. Role play presentation
 Presentation (20% of final grade)
Students are able to present a role-play with a natural flow without looking at the draft
6週 6. Traveling
• TOEIC listening drills
• Names of countries/ capitals
• Hotel reservation / travel problems
To be able to say the names of some countries and their capitals, make a hotel reservation and address some travel problems
7週 7. Sightseeing –
Ordering at a restaurant
Preparing for the midterm exam
Next week: Midterm Exam
To be able to order food at a fast-food chain and a restaurant when traveling abroad
Midterm review
8週 Midterm Exam (20% of final grade)
9週 9. Public speaking I
• TOEIC listening drills
• Speaking in front of an audience
To be able to discuss and practice how to be an effective presenter
10週 10. Public speakingII
• TOEIC listening drills
• Planning and drafting speeches
To be able to discuss and practice how to be an effective presenter
11週 11. Speech/presentation
• Presentation (10% of final grade)
To be able to deliver a speech or make a presentation in class
12週 12. Global warming(1)
• Watch An Inconvenient Truth
• Discussion
To be able to discuss about the causes and the dire consequences of global warming.
13週 13. Global warming(2)
• TOEIC listening drills
• Renewable energy
• Discussion
To be able to discuss about the causes and the dire consequences of global warming; Discuss the benefits of renewable energy and an ecological and green life-style.
14週 14. Sustainable living
• TOEIC listening drills
To be able to discuss the importance and benefits of sustainable living
15週 15. Conservation
・Test Review
To be able to discuss the different issues of conservation
16週 16. Final exam (40% of final grade)



