1. Students will be able to understand spoken and written English accurately.
2. Students will be able to express themselves confidently and fluently.
3. Students will be able to make a concerted effort to understand and be understood.
In order to understand spoken and written English and to express themselves confidently, accurately, and fluently, students will observe English and practice it.
The basic format of a lesson starts with a dialog which students listen to, read, and then practice with a partner. This is followed by some vocabulary building. Students then practice the new vocabulary by reading semi-controlled dialogs with a partner. Following this is less controlled conversation practice. The second part of the lesson starts with a listening activity followed by another chance for students to aquire new vocabulary. Students will then have a chance to speak again using the new vocabulary either in pairs or groups. The final exercise is a reading exercise which varies from reading for detail to scanning for information.
Students are expected to participate enthusiastically in class activities.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
前期 |
1stQ |
1週 |
Unit 1. Wh-questions. Time expressions. |
Exchange personal information and listen and read for specific information.
2週 |
Yes/No questions and short answers. |
Talk about daily life. Talk about typical mornings. Scan a short magazine article.
3週 |
Unit 2. Time expressions |
Describing work and school.
4週 |
Prepositions. |
Giving opinions. Talking about daily schedules.
5週 |
Unit 3. Demonstratives: this, that, these, those. |
Buying and selling things.
6週 |
Comparisons with adjectives. |
Making comparisons. Talking about family.
7週 |
Unit 4. Yes/No questions and short answers. Next Week: Midterm Exam |
Talking about likes and dislikes.
8週 |
Object pronouncs. Model verb: would. |
Making invitations and excuses.
2ndQ |
9週 |
Unit 5. Present continuous for plans. Invitations and time expressions. |
Exchanging information about the present.
10週 |
Quantifiers: all, nearly all, most, many, a lot of, some, not many and few. |
Describing people you know.
11週 |
Unit 6. Adverbs of frequency. |
Asking about and describing routines and exercise.
12週 |
Questions: how often, how long, how well and how good. |
Discussing sports and athletes. Talking about abilities.
13週 |
Unit 7. Simple past questions and statements. |
Talking about past events.
14週 |
Short answers with regular and irregular verbs. |
Asking about and describing the location of places.
15週 |
Unit 8. Count and non count nouns. |
Describing neighborhoods.
16週 |
Final Exam. |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
Unit 9. Questions for describing people. |
Asking about and describing people`s appearance.
2週 |
Modifiers with participles and prepositions. |
Identifying people.
3週 |
Unit 10. Present perfect with questions. |
Describing past experiences.
4週 |
Present perfect vs past simple. |
Exchanging information about past experiences.
5週 |
Unit 11. Adverbs before adjectives. |
Asking about and describing cities.
6週 |
Model verbs can and should |
Talking about travel.
7週 |
Unit 12. Making suggestions. Next Week: Midterm Exam |
Talking about health problems.
8週 |
Making requests. |
Asking for and giving suggestions.
4thQ |
9週 |
Unit 13. So, too, either and neither. |
Expressing likes and dislikes.
10週 |
Model verbs would and will. |
Agreeing and disagreeing. Ordering a meal.
11週 |
Unit 14. Comparatives and superlatives. |
Describing countries.
12週 |
How far, big, deep, long, wide, hot, and cold. |
Talking about distances and measurements.
13週 |
Unit 15. Future with present continuous. |
Talking about plans.
14週 |
Using `tell` and `ask`. |
Giving reasons. Taking and leaving messages.
15週 |
Unit 16. Changes using the present tense. |
Exchanging personal information.
16週 |
Final Exam. |
分類 | 分野 | 学習内容 | 学習内容の到達目標 | 到達レベル | 授業週 |
基礎的能力 | 人文・社会科学 | 英語 | 英語運用の基礎となる知識 | 中学で既習の語彙の定着を図り、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた新出語彙、及び専門教育に必要となる英語専門用語を習得して適切な運用ができる。 | 2 | |
中学で既習の文法や文構造に加え、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた文法や文構造を習得して適切に運用できる。 | 2 | |
英語運用能力の基礎固め | 日常生活や身近な話題に関して、毎分100語程度の速度ではっきりとした発音で話された内容から必要な情報を聞きとることができる。 | 1 | |
日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を基本的な表現を用いて英語で話すことができる。 | 1 | |
実際の場面や目的に応じて、基本的なコミュニケーション方略(ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト)を適切に用いることができる。 | 1 | |
英語運用能力向上のための学習 | 実際の場面や目的に応じて、効果的なコミュニケーション方略(ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト、代用表現、聞き返しなど)を適切に用いることができる。 | 1 | |
工学基礎 | グローバリゼーション・異文化多文化理解 | グローバリゼーション・異文化多文化理解 | それぞれの国の文化や歴史に敬意を払い、その違いを受け入れる寛容さが必要であることを認識している。 | 3 | |
様々な国の生活習慣や宗教的信条、価値観などの基本的な事項について説明できる。 | 3 | |
異文化の事象を自分たちの文化と関連付けて解釈できる。 | 3 | |
分野横断的能力 | 汎用的技能 | 汎用的技能 | 汎用的技能 | 他者の意見を聞き合意形成することができる。 | 2 | |
合意形成のために会話を成立させることができる。 | 2 | |