①Gain fluency in asking and responding to yes/no and wh-questions, and talking about their everyday lives.
②Gain fluency in expressing opinions with supporting reasons
③Develop their ability to make short presentation in English
④Improve their skill at listening for both general and specific information
The primary focus of this course is spoken English. Students will use English in a variery of "everyday" situations. Written work will supplement these topics.
Students are expected to actively participate in various activities in class.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
前期 |
1stQ |
1週 |
1班:Appearnaces and Impressions 2班:Lesson 1 |
1班:Personal style and individuality 2班:Classroom English & First Meetings
2週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 2 |
1班: 2班:Greetings, goodbyes & Wh- questions
3週 |
1班:Honesty 2班:Lesson 3 |
1班:Speeches/Shoplifting 2班:Mealtime expressions & past simple
4週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 4 |
1班:Shoplifing/A difficult exerience 2班:Recommendations & talking about times
5週 |
1班:Family Values 2班:Lesson 5 |
1班:Speeches/Family lessons 2班:Talking about future plans
6週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 6 |
1班:Special objects 2班:Review 1 & Test 1
7週 |
1班:Communication 2班:Lesson 7 |
1班:Speeches/Communicating with family and friends 2班:Talking about sports with comparatives
8週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 8 |
1班:Staying in touch/Important People 2班:Shopping & prices with comparatives
2ndQ |
9週 |
1班:Rude Behaviour 2班:Lesson 9 |
1班:Speeches/How to deal with rude people 2班:Understanding rules & advice
10週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 10 |
1班:A bad experience/What would you do? 2班:Review 2 & Test 2
11週 |
1班:Get a Job 2班:Lesson 11 |
1班:Speeches/Parents' vs childrens' dreams 2班:Making plans & talking through details
12週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 12 |
1班:Life goals 2班:Talking about obligations & limiting factors
13週 |
1班:Why Learn English? 2班:Lesson 13 |
1班:Speeches/Is it important to learn English? 2班:Talking about the recent past
14週 |
1班:continued 2班:Lesson 14 |
1班:Debates 2班:Review 3 & Test 3
15週 |
1班:Conclusion 2班:Lesson 15 |
1班:Review of the course 2班:Personal Conversation Tests
16週 |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
1班:Lesson 1 2班:Appearnaces and Impressions |
1班:Classroom English & First Meetings 2班:Personal style and individuality
2週 |
1班:Lesson 2 2班:continued |
1班:Greetings, goodbyes & Wh- questions 2班:
3週 |
1班:Lesson 3 2班:Honesty |
1班:Mealtime expressions & past simple 2班:Speeches/Shoplifting
4週 |
1班:Lesson 4 2班:continued |
1班:Recommendations & talking about times 2班:Shoplifing/A difficult exerience
5週 |
1班:Lesson 5 2班:Family Values |
1班:Talking about future plans 2班:Speeches/Family lessons
6週 |
1班:Lesson 6 2班:continued |
1班:Review 1 & Test 1 2班:Special objects
7週 |
1班:Lesson 7 2班:Communication |
1班:Talking about sports with comparatives 2班:Speeches/Communicating with family and friends
8週 |
1班:Lesson 8 2班:continued |
1班:Shopping & prices with comparatives 2班:Staying in touch/Important People
4thQ |
9週 |
1班:Lesson 9 2班:Rude Behaviour |
1班:Understanding rules & advice 2班:Speeches/How to deal with rude people
10週 |
1班:Lesson 10 2班:continued |
1班:Review 2 & Test 2 2班:A bad experience/What would you do?
11週 |
1班:Lesson 11 2班:Get a Job |
1班:Making plans & talking through details 2班:Speeches/Parents' vs childrens' dreams
12週 |
1班:Lesson 12 2班:continued |
1班:Talking about obligations & limiting factors 2班:Life goals
13週 |
1班:Lesson 13 2班:Why Learn English? |
1班:Talking about the recent past 2班:Speeches/Is it important to learn English?
14週 |
1班:Lesson 14 2班:continued |
1班:Review 3 & Test 3 2班:Debates
15週 |
1班:Lesson 15 2班:Conclusion |
1班:Personal Conversation Tests 2班:Review of the course
16週 |