1) Build vocabulary and listening skills through short and longer dialog recordings.
2) Build speaking skills around given usage patterns.
3) Develop fluency and confidence through guided conversations.
| 理想的な到達レベルの目安 | 標準的な到達レベルの目安 | 未到達レベルの目安 |
評価項目1 | 到達目標の内容を実践で理解し、応用できる。 | 到達目標の内容を実践で理解している。 | 到達目標の内容を実践で理解していない。 |
評価項目2 | | | |
評価項目3 | | | |
Units are centered on common discussion topics. Language models are introduced at the word, sentence, and conversation levels. Listening and speaking exercises are built on skills using these patterns.
Students are expected to actively participate in various activities in class.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
前期 |
1stQ |
1週 |
Introduction |
overview of text, syllabus, introduce teacher
2週 |
Unit 1 |
family; talking about what we want
3週 |
Unit 2 |
friends; talking about situations
4週 |
Unit 3 |
culture; giving examples
5週 |
Unit 4 |
education; showing empathy
6週 |
Test |
evaluation of skills from Units 1 through 4
7週 |
Unit 5 |
sports; asking about interests
8週 |
Unit 6 |
work; talking about past, present, and future
2ndQ |
9週 |
Unit 7 |
food; talking about chances and conditions
10週 |
Unit 8 |
studying English; talking about problems and goals
11週 |
Test |
evaluation of skills from Units 5 through 8
12週 |
Unit 9 |
health; taking a sick day and expressing sympathy
13週 |
Unit 10 |
clothes; giving reasons and conditions
14週 |
Unit 11 |
traveling; talking about frequency
15週 |
Make-up and review |
summarize work from text thus far
16週 |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
Summarize and review |
review Units 9 through 11
2週 |
Unit 12 |
music; exaggerating what we like and dislike
3週 |
Test |
evaluation of skills from Units 9 through 12
4週 |
Unit 13 |
movies; comparatives and superlatives
5週 |
Unit 14 |
shopping; adding comments
6週 |
Unit 15 |
internet; describing changes
7週 |
Unit 16 |
weather; how often
8週 |
Test |
evaluation of skills from Units 13 through 16
4thQ |
9週 |
Unit 17 |
feelings; talking about moods
10週 |
Holiday preview |
discuss holiday plans and celebrations
11週 |
Unit 18 |
government; answering questions
12週 |
Unit 19 |
art; polite statements
13週 |
Unit 20 |
the future; talking about the future
14週 |
Test |
evaluation of skills from Units 17 through 20
15週 |
Make-up and review |
summarize work from text thus far
16週 |
分類 | 分野 | 学習内容 | 学習内容の到達目標 | 到達レベル | 授業週 |
| 課題等 | 発表 | 相互評価 | 態度 | ポートフォリオ | その他 | 合計 |
総合評価割合 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
基礎的能力 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
専門的能力 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
分野横断的能力 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |