Global Awareness


学校 茨城工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 Global Awareness
科目番号 0008 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 国際創造工学科 共通1年 対象学年 1
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 伊藤光晴ほか『高校現代社会 新訂版』実教出版, 2017年 / 『高校現代社会 新訂版 演習ノート』実教出版, 2017年
担当教員 井坂 友紀


・To be able to explain what kind of global issues we are facing and what we are doing for solving them.
・To be able to explain the role of nations and international organizations in building global peace.
・To be able to explain the history of economic globalization and its impact on each nation as well as the future prospects.


Above expectationsMeets expectationsBelow expectations
Global IssuesThe student can give his/her opinion on the prospects for solving global issues.The student can explain the current situation of global issues and our attempts to solve them. The student cannot explain the current situation of global issues.
International PoliticsThe student can give his/her opinion on issues in international politics.The student can explain basic facts about international politics.The student cannot explain basic facts about international politics.
International EconomyThe student can give his/her opinion on issues in international economy.The student can explain basic facts about international economy.The student cannot explain basic facts about international economy.


学習・教育到達度目標 (B) 説明 閉じる
学習・教育到達度目標 (C) 説明 閉じる


Globalization, which has proceeded especially since early 90's, has a great influence on our politics, economy and society. We are also facing global issues such as global warming and global pollution, which cannot be solved without global coordination and cooperation. In addition, Japan has scarce natural resources and shrinking domestic market due to an aging population and low birth rate. It is therefore really important for us to be "aware" of and gain insight into this big change. This course provides an opportunity to grasp the meaning of globalization, focusing on international politics, international economy and global issues.
The course is comprised of the following elements:
・Lecture (70%). You will not be a passive listener, but discuss and answer many questions asked during class.
・In-class assignment (30%). You will work on assignments during class, such as reading materials written in English, group works and kind of games.
Please refrain from talking, sleeping, eating (including gums or candies), drinking, or using smartphones unless permitted, or you will lose class participation points(assignment points).


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 What is globalization? To be able to broadly define the term globalization.
2週 Foreign Exchange (1/2) To be able to explain the effect of
changes in exchange rates on our economic life.
3週 Foreign Exchange (2/2) (same as above)
4週 Free Trade (1/2) To be able to explain the theoretical rationale for free trade.
5週 Free Trade (2/2) (same as above)
6週 Pros and Cons of Globalization (1/2) [In-Class Assignment] To be able to explain pros and cons of globalization.
7週 Pros and Cons of Globalization (2/2) [In-Class Assignment] (same as above)
8週 International Trade and Monetary System (1/2) To be able to explain the historical background of IMF-GATT system.
9週 International Trade and Monetary System (2/2) To be able to explain the current situation of the international trade and monetary system.
10週 SDGs (1/5) To be able to explain SDGs and related challenges.
11週 SDGs (2/5) [In-Class Assignment] (Translation) (same as above)
12週 SDGs (3/5) [In-Class Assignment] (Discussion) (same as above)
13週 SDGs (4/5) [In-Class Assignment] (Preparation for Presentation) (same as above)
14週 SDGs (5/5) [In-Class Assignment] (Presentation) (same as above)
15週 Final Exam
16週 Review for the Final Exam
1週 Global Financial Crisis (1/3) To be able to explain the cause and effect of the global financial crisis.
2週 Global Financial Crisis (2/3) (same as above)
3週 Global Financial Crisis (3/3) [In-Class Assignment] (same as above)
4週 Balance of Power (1/3) To be able to explain the outline of the international political system before WWII.
5週 Balance of Power (2/3) To be able to explain the meaning of the security dillemma.
6週 Balance of Power (3/3) [In-Class Assingment] (same as above)
7週 Collective Defense (1/2) To be able to explain the outline of the international political system after WWII.
8週 Collective Defense (2/2) (same as above)
9週 Pacifism (1/3) To be able to give your opinion on war and peace based on a political philosophy.
10週 Pacifism (2/3) (same as above)
11週 Pacifism (3/3) (same as above)
12週 Global Warming (1/3) To be able to explain action against global warming.
13週 Global Warming (2/3) (same as above)
14週 Global Warming (3/3) [In-Class Assignment] To be able to explain the term "social dilemma", which is inherent in environmental issues.
15週 Final Exam
16週 Review for the Final Exam

