Quantum Chemistry


学校 茨城工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 Quantum Chemistry
科目番号 0144 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位II: 2
開設学科 国際創造工学科 機械・制御系(機械コース) 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 前期:2
教科書/教材 1) Quantum Mechanics for Chemists, by David Howard.
担当教員 アッバス アルシハビ


1) understand the difference between classical and quantum mechanics.
2) understand the idea of wave function.
3) understand the uncertainty relations.
4) solve Schroedinger equation for simple potentials.
5) understand the Schroedinger theory application to Hydrogen atom. 6) solve the eigenvalue problems for energy, momentum, angular momentum and central potentials explain the idea of spin. 7) understand the Schroedinger theory application to many-electron atoms. 8) become introduced to the Orbital Molecular Theory.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelMinimum achievement level standard (Pass)Unacceptable Level
Understand the principles of quantum mechanicsTreat wave functions in linear algebra. Understand the atomic wave function. Know the difference between classical and quantum mechanicsDoes not understand the postulates of quantum mechanics.
Understand the Schroedinger Theory of Quantum MechanicsDefine the equation for the well, and barrier potential applications.Define the equation, and define components.Understand the component of the Schroedinger equation.Does not understand the Shroedinger equation components.
Understand the Schroedinger application to the Hydrogen atom.Define the equation and calculate the eigen values.Calculate the eigen values from the Schrodinger Equation.Define the Hydrogen atom eigen values in the Schrodinger equation.Does not understand the eigen values in the Schroedinger equation.
Understand the Molecular Orbtal Theory application.Can write the electronic configuration of the molecular orbital.Make a Molecular Orbital energy level diagram of an elemental molecule.Understand the bonding mechanism in the Molecular Orbital Theory.Does not understand the Schroedinger application to the multi-electron atom.
Extra material


学習・教育到達度目標 (A) 説明 閉じる


Lecturing: Slide show, blackboard explanation.
Tutorial: solving backboard questions, homework
This class is held in English.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Principles of quantum mechanics; revision Understand the principles,
2週 Postulates of Quantum mechanics Understand the wave function.
3週 Postulates of Quantum mechanics Undertsnad linear operators, Hamilatonian.
4週 Schroedinger theory of quantum mechanics 1 Undesrand Born`s Interpretation, Infinite square well potential
5週 Schroedinger theory of quantum mechanics 2 Understand The Time-Independent Schroedinger Equation
6週 Schroedinger theory of quantum mechanics 3 Understand the solutions to the Time-Independent Schroedinger Equation; zero and step potentials.
7週 Midterm Exam
8週 Schroedinger theory of quantum mechanics 4 Understand Zero potential and step potentials.
9週 Schroedinger theory of quantum mechanics 5 Understand barrier potential and harmonic oscillator potential.
10週 The Hydrogen atom 1 Understand the application of Shroedinger`s equation to the Hydrogen atom.
11週 The Hydeogen atom 2 Solve the Shroedinger`s equation for the Hydrogen atom.
12週 Multi-electron atom Understand the application of Shroedinger`s equation to the multielectron atoms.
13週 Molecular Orbital Theory Become introduced to Hartree Fock approximation
14週 Molecular Orbital Theory Become introduced to molecular orbital theory, Hydrogen molecule bonding
15週 Final Exam
16週 Review Review


PresentationHomework/ReportMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioQuiz合計
Basic Proficiency0150001530
Specialized Proficiency0150002540
Cross Area Proficiency0150001530