

学校 茨城工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 総合英語III
科目番号 0052 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位II: 2
開設学科 物質工学科(2016年度以前入学生) 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 前期:1 後期:1
教科書/教材 No text as all materials have been developed by the instructor
担当教員 ドウエーン アイシャム,レパヴー マリ


The objective of this course is to prepare the students (future engineers and the technicians), to use the type of
English used in technical situations. Raising motivation while lowering anxiety are primary considerations for
intercultural settings.


Students are able to understand and reuse all the expressions learned in class.Students are able to understand and reuse most of the expressions learned in class.Students are not able to understand and reuse any of the expressions learned in class.
To be able to clearly convey your messages.To be able to convey your messages.Not to be able to convey your messages.


学習・教育到達度目標 (E)(ト) 説明 閉じる


Students participate in the performances of task based activities that make use of target vocabulary and
grammatical structures. By promoting thinking in English, the students are given opportunities to explore the
types of English commonly encountered in technical situations as well as those of daily life through individual,
pair and group work.
Students participate in the performances of task based activities that make use of target vocabulary and
grammatical structures.
I am looking forward to meeting everybody. I hope that you will enjoy your class as much as I do. It is hoped
that your English lessons can prepare you for your future.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Class Introduction Greetings and content
2週 English for class Helpful classroom English
3週 Meeting people How to break the ice
4週 Idioms Useful idioms for life
5週 Technical English (1) Math
6週 Technical English (2) Science
7週 Review
8週 Interview
9週 Current events (1) As they come up.
10週 Current events (2) As they come up.
11週 Idioms More useful idioms for life
12週 Free speech prep. How to make a speech
13週 Free speech How to give a speech
14週 Review How to give a speech
15週 Interview
16週 Review of the first semester Giving opinions on class
1週 Introductino to the course Greetings and content
2週 Culture Japan and the world
3週 Cultural aspects (1) Defining culture
4週 Cultural aspects (2) Intercultural communication
5週 Current events As they come up
6週 Appropriateness (1) Content and matter in way of delivery (1)
7週 Review
8週 Appropriateness (2) Content and matter in way of delivery (2)
9週 Pronunciation (1) Difficult sounds (1)
10週 Pronunciation (2) Difficult sounds (2)
11週 Meaning (1) Guess unknown words
12週 Meaning (2) Prefixes
13週 Communication (1) Expressing opinions (1)
14週 Communication (2) Expressing opinions (2)
15週 Review
16週 Pair/group work Opinions and current events


performance of task based activitiesaffective factorsmaintaning a notebookfinal interview合計